Item Art Commissions (open 9/1/17)


~ Corsair Item Art CommissionsView attachment 1128~

 I am kind in the mood to do more pet site work. It's quite a bit of fun but not a useful skill out side of this forum so I don't get to do it as much as I'd like to.​

$2.50 - free basic recolours)   |      .50 -for anything beyond a basic recolour​

(I'm not sure about items that require animations)​


More Example:​

Kalune Art -Verpets - Other examples (needs updating :pensive: )​

I also do pixel art if that is a thing you need.

      -  View attachment 1127  -

Hi there! I need 11 items done; do you think you can do these 11 for $27.5?

  • Small Paintbucket
  • Medium Paintbucket
  • Large Paintbucket
  • Prism
  • Gender Potion
  • Crystal Ball Fragment
  • Cracked Crystal Ball
  • Crystal Ball
  • Scroll of Destiny
  • Fertility Potion
  • Baby Basket
Hi there! I need 11 items done; do you think you can do these 11 for $27.5?

  • Small Paintbucket
  • Medium Paintbucket
  • Large Paintbucket
  • Prism
  • Gender Potion
  • Crystal Ball Fragment
  • Cracked Crystal Ball
  • Crystal Ball
  • Scroll of Destiny
  • Fertility Potion
  • Baby Basket
I've sent you a PM
