Indevelopment vs not indevelopment

Figured In-Development meant games that were being made but not yet available to the public. 

Most Games (and websites even) are a work-in-progress. That's the nature of the internet. 

There's a state between a website being just an idea and being ready to point people towards your website, however. 

Figured In-Development meant games that were being made but not yet available to the public. 

Most Games (and websites even) are a work-in-progress. That's the nature of the internet. 

There's a state between a website being just an idea and being ready to point people towards your website, however. 
My site is up for users to signup but I am still have difficulties with the site. I am trying to get rid of some of the bugs.

If your site is live, available to the public and has the ability for users to sign up I'd say it's Open. 

That's quite an accomplishment in itself, bugs or no. 

My site is up for users to signup but I am still have difficulties with the site. I am trying to get rid of some of the bugs.
You'll always have difficulties to solve, especially if you're growing with new developments and doing new things. If people can sign up and play it's an open pet site. 

I guess it depends on what your own personal views are on the definitions of the terms in development & not in development are, as that would affect what way in which you choose to use them on your own site or any which you play.

In my personal opinion.. a game which is classed as in development means that they're continuously working on said game whether that's on a semi irregular basis, like monthly or weekly, but can be still open to the public in order to allow bugs to be found. Whilst a game which is classed as not in development can mean that it's either ceased development before opening/as a result of opening or it is currently on hiatus/being put up for sale.

Take my game Seripets for example, it's been on hiatus for a number of years now and yet I still do a bit of development on it. Would I class this as a game that's one of the terms above? No, I probably wouldn't. I'd say it's an in-development game (currently on hiatus) which alerts user to the fact I intend at some point in the future to resume development.

So yeah, it's rather subjective but I hope this clears up the definitions for you a little. Even if it is my own view point.

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