We Want to Hear Your Spooky Tales!

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Time to dust off your typewriters, because we're hosting a Spooky Story Contest! So if you've been hoping to let your creativity shine, now's a better opportunity than ever.


Try to leave any fluff out of your story, however, because all submissions must be 100 words or less. We want to keep this contest short, sweet, and simple! Also, your story does not necessarily need to take place in Terrafrost, but it still must be site-appropriate (keep it PG-13!)

Before you start writing, be sure to read the contest rules:

Rule 1 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 2 - One entry per User.
Rule 3 - Feel free to get creative! You can use existing IcePets concepts or create your own, but it must fit the spooky theme.
Rule 4 -Your submission cannot be something that already exists on the site. This includes - and is not limited to - Book content, item descriptions, news posts, or other written content.
Rule 5 - Your submission cannot be identical to other existing works or ideas outside of IcePets; you may make references with your story, but it cannot be a direct copy.
Rule 6 - The story must be kept PG-13. For example, you may include mild violence, but not descriptive gore or brutality, etc. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 7 - Keep your entries private and please don't share with other Users!
Rule 8 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it is hard to view or appears no work was involved.
Rule 9 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to IcePrincess by October 20th, 23:59:59 IcePets time.


Now that we've covered the rules, here are all of the prizes you can potentially win!

First Place: A Gold Contestant Trophy, a Golden Competitor Stamp, a Phantasmoire Snow Jar, a Pet Ghost Costume Item of your choice, 200,000 IcePoints, and a copy of the new Book item once released.
Second Place: A Silver Contestant Trophy, a Random Ghost Costume, a Phantasmoire Snow Jar, 175,000 iP, and a copy of the new Book item once released.
Third Place: A Bronze Contestant Trophy, a random Ghost Costume, a Phantasmoire Snow Jar, 100,000 iP, and a copy of the new Book item once released.
All Participants: A full Haunting Treat Bag.

So, are you ready to express your creative writing skills? Now's the time to start brainstorming some spooky ideas!


Time to bundle up, because you'll want to do some Snowman Questing this weekend! From today until October 9th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the opportunities and prizes for the Snowman Quest will be doubled!

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