Uh oh...



What was once intended to be a peaceful and loving alliance has taken a drastic turn! From the very beginning of Amourok festivities, the Mythical and Ancient pets had been working together in preparation in blissful harmony. But during their most recent meeting, a... disagreement of sorts broke out. Things had started out harmoniously, but after an unknown individual stepped on the tail of Zeiss the Ancient Dabu, tension filled the room. Xaric the Mythical Novyn insisted she'd had nothing to do with it, but to no avail, and near immediately did the conflict escalate beyond repair. Now the alliance is in shambles, and despite their shared interests, the tension between the Mythical and Ancient Pets is higher than ever.


With the coalition split, it's safe to assume that this year's Amourok will be dealing with a Clash of Colors once again! To join a team, just head on over to the Amourok Sign Up page -- it looks like both of the team leaders are eagerly awaiting your arrival.


Zeiss the Ancient Dabu values wisdom and humility above all else. To those who join their team, be prepared to show your utmost loyalty and strength! "Just you wait, young Terrafrostians -- those gaudy Mythical Pets don't stand a chance against the power of the Ancients!"

Xaric the Mythical Novyn is an ambitious young leader. To those who join her team, excitement and prosperity awaits! "The era of the Ancient Pets has passed -- a new kingdom will arise, and it will be that of enchantment and Mythical Pets abound!"



Once you choose your team, you'll earn points for them by collecting Empty Heart Fragments! You can find them in NPC Shops, Heart Breaker, or receive them as rewards in Quests. You can also combine Heart Fragments by visiting your chosen Team Leader, and receive Full Hearts -- Full Archaic Hearts if you've sided with Ancient Pets, or Full Legendary Hearts if you're on the Mythical team -- as a reward! Already-assembled hearts can also be found in the same places as Fragments, but they will be placed very sparsely.


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