Time For A Spooky Companion Contest!



Get some crayons and coloured pencils or open up your art program of choice, because it's time to get creative! For this year's Phantasmoire contest, we want you to design a spooky, Phantasmoire-themed Companion.

We want a brand new, totally unique design -- so don't base it off an already-existing Companion. Also, the first place winner will have their design made into a real Companion!

As always, make sure to read the rules before entering this contest.

Rule 1 - Work must be entirely your own. Please do not trace original artwork or use Google images, but image manipulation of IcePets art to create graphics is acceptable.
Rule 2 - One entry per User.
Rule 3 - While you may use existing IcePets artwork in your submission it must be modified in some way in order to create your idea, not just a one-to-one of something on IcePets.
Rule 4 -Your submission cannot be something that already exists on the site.
Rule 5 - Your submission cannot be identical to other existing Companions, designs or ideas outside of IcePets; you may make references with your Companion, but it cannot be a direct copy.
Rule 6 - Art must be kept PG-13. For example, you may show blood, weapons, or mild violence, but not gore or dismembered limbs, etc. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 7 - Keep your entries private and please don't share with other Users!
Rule 8 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it is hard to view or appears no work was involved.
Rule 9 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to Mochihugs by October 22nd, 23:59:59 (IcePets time).



1st Place

- Gold Contestant Trophy
- Golden Competitor Stamp
- Phantasmoire Snow Jar
- Pet Ghost Costume Item of choice
- 1 Companion Bed
- Your Companion idea made into an Item (and sent to you)
- 200,000 IcePoints

2nd Place

- Silver Contestant Trophy
- Phantasmoire Snow Jar
- Random Ghost Costume
- The Winner's Companion once it's made into an Item
- 175,000 IcePoints

3rd Place
- Bronze Contestant Trophy
- Phantasmoire Snow Jar
- Random Ghost Costume
- The Winner's Companion once it's made into an item
- 100,000 IcePoints

All Participants: A full Haunting Treat Bag


As always, we look forward to seeing what you'll come up with. We know there are plenty of artistic Users in our community, so it's time to let your talent shine!

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