This Picture Needs Some Colour!



Time to sharpen your crayons and charge up your tablets -- the annual Colouring Contest has begun! Whether you're a traditional or digital artist, we'd like you to bring this picture to life with your preferred art medium.


Feel free to be as creative with this colouring page as your heart desires. However, we do have a few rules that all participants should keep in mind:

1. All work submitted must be your own. You annot ask another User, a friend, or a family member to colour the image for you.
2. The contest is held anonymously. Showing your artwork to other Users during the contest will disqualify you.
3. Your image must be uploaded and sent to mochihugs by January 19th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time. It does not matter where or how you upload it, and your submission will count as long as it is sent within the time frame.
4. The contest is limited to one entry per user.
5. All entries must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.


Once the deadline has passed, the voting phase will begin! Voting is entirely anonymous, and every Terrafrostian only gets one vote, so be sure to choose wisely.

Everyone who participates in the Colouring Contest will receive a set of the 2023 Pinatas! In addition, the top three winners will receive the following prizes:


First Place
- 400,000 IcePoints
- Baby Snow Jar
- An openable Pinata Item of your choice
- Puzzling ICE Box
- Ambiguous ICE Box
- Gold Competitor Trophy
- Golden Competitor Stamp

Second Place
- 200,000 IcePoints
- Baby Snow Jar
- An openable Pinata Item of your choice
- Puzzling ICE Box
- Silver Competitor Trophy
- Golden Competitor Stamp

Third Place
- 100,000 IcePoints
- Baby Snow Jar
- An openable Pinata Item of your Choice
- Bronze Competitor Trophy
- Golden Competitor Stamp


If you were getting sick of the old Pinata Mania consolation prizes, you're in luck. Starting today, this game will be switching over to some brand new prizes, so keep on smashing those pinatas!


The 2023 Pinatas have each received a new Item to their potential prize pool, as well as the addition of the openable Guitar Case. Due to this update, in the future we will be releasing the Pinatas at a more frequent rate in shops, and lowering the pinata mania cool down earlier than originally planned. This will hopefully enable users to stock up on pinatas and still get the new items they want! Keep an eye on the news for when these changes will happen, as well as a future giveaway link for a set of 2023 pinatas!


IcePets is currently hiring! We are looking for a new Item Artist and Writer to join our team. If you're interested in creating artwork for the site, please check our Support Site to apply!

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