The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?



We're almost a week into February, and it appears that some Terrafrostians are... decorating for Aurestal? This strange phenomenon has been reported worldwide, primarily among homes with Aurestal pets. Some speculate that it's holdover from a couple of months ago. Others suspect they may be preparing for the holiday ten months early!


Understandably, many pets aren't fond of out-of-season decor. Mars, a Phantasmoire Krittle, has this to say:

"The oversaturation of Aurestal has gotten out of control!" the Krittle snarls. "The candy canes, the sparkly trees, the Aurestal carols -- it's simply disgusting! Blegh! It seems like Aurestal is beginning to overshadow other holidays that, in my humble opinion, deserve way more praise. If this doesn't settle down soon, the Phantasmoire community might have to take action..."


But Juniper, the Aurestal Traptur, feels differently.

"Nothing in Terrafrost compares to the warm, fuzzy feeling of waking up on Aurestal morning. That joy should not be restricted to one day a year!" the Traptur insists. "But if those Phantasmoire pets want to retaliate with their icky spiders and sticky slime and creepy costumes, that's fine by me. We'll just have to bring out the tinsel cannons!"

Hopefully, the tension between the Aurestal and Phantasmoire pets won't escalate too much in the coming days... After all, Amourok is just around the corner!

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