The Ghosts Have Returned!



As of recently, you may have noticed some spooky happenings here and there. Perhaps you feel a sudden chill while you're alone in the house, or you hear a creak in the floorboards during the night. No need to fear, though--it's just the ghosts of Terrafrost!

These ghosts are super friendly and will do you no harm. In fact, if you happen to encounter one, you'll have the opportunity to "trick" or "treat", and possibly get a prize out of it. These ghosts speak in ancient spooky tongues, however, so they'll have trouble communicating with your Pets... unless they have a Phantasmoire colour. The ghosts will disappear again October 31st 23:59:59 (IcePets Time) so if you want to pay them a visit, do it soon!


There's a limit to how many ghosts you'll encounter in one day. However, if you obtain a Ouija Board from the I.C.E Shop, you'll be able to reset the counter and meet even more ghosts! They'll be in stock until the end of the month, and at 150 IceCash (135 for Gold Users), it's certainly worth the price.

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