The Fate of Icepets



It's bittersweet for us to be to be writing this news, but inevitable.

For many years the team has been working tireless on IcePets with increased burnout and little hope for IcePets future.

After a hard few months, we've come to an agreement as a team to take a 6 month break from IcePets. Over this break there will be no events, news, GA purchases, or requests.

Novitaria will be set up to auto turn on for all of April. This will include the noviteggs which appear randomly on the pages and makoat piles. You will be able to find these for an unlimited amount of times, instead of the usual cap of 50 a day.

When the 6 months is over IcePets team will regather and decide the permanent fate of the site.

We will finish up any current open requests, and continue to post the news and items already in progress. We will make another official announcement once the remaining staff have begun their hiatus as well. Please be sure to ask any important questions prior to this.

After the 6 months, we will decide and inform you of the state of IcePets.

Please be kind with this decision has there has been a lot of tears over it. It was very difficult to make but required for the wellbeing of everyone. We welcome any suggestions, ideas, or comments in this news thread for the staff to consider for the future.

Thank you so much for your love and support over the last 14 years. Without it, IcePets wouldn't even be here.

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