Your Stamp Collections are going to be a little bit fresher, because we've revamped eight of our classic Stamps! The Glacia Stamp, Halipar Jungles Stamp, Terrafrost Stamp, Snow Owl Stamp, Mushroom Stamp, Visitor Stamp (formerly Intergalactic Stamp), Weapons Stamp, and Ice Cube Stamp (formerly Ice Cubes Stamp) have been given crisp new designs. If you didn't have them in your collection already, you'll surely want to get your hands on them now!
If you are having trouble seeing the new artwork, try doing a hard refresh using Ctrl+F5 on Windows or Cmd+Shift+R on Mac.
Ready for some questing? The Weapons Quest is in for a buffed weekend. From now until July 26th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, all of the questing opportunities and prizes will be doubled!
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