Shifting Auroras!



The Auroras were born from the conflicts that once filled Terrafrost, and we have to wonder... if the strife gripping this year's Amourok were to result in a new Aurora, who would they be? Let us know in the An Aurora for Amourok Contest!

Note: A fourth Aurora will not be officially created! (They already have matching wedding rings, and a chore schedule worked out -- it'd just be a whole thing to work out, you know?) This is just a fun contest idea. We are excited to see what you all come up with!


Please keep the following rules regarding your entry in mind:

Rule 1 - Any work submitted must be your own. You cannot ask another User, a friend, or a family member to colour the image for you.
Rule 2 - One entry per User.
Rule 3 - You may create your Aurora however you'd like: through a story, a digital or traditional image, macaroni art, etc!
Rule 4 - All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 5 - The contest is held anonymously. Showing your work to other Users during the contest will disqualify you from the contest.
Rule 6 - Your image must be uploaded and sent to Tinkerbell by February 22nd, 23:59:59 (IcePets Time). It does not matter what website you upload it to or in what format. Your submission will count as long as it is sent to Tinkerbell within the time frame. You only need to submit the story text or image URL.


3rd Place Prizes
- Bronze Contestant Trophy
- An Aurestal or Phantasmoire Snow Jar (randomly picked)
- 1 random Heart Breaker 2024 prize
- 75,000 IcePoints


2nd Place Prizes
- Silver Contestant Trophy
- An Aurestal or Phantasmoire Snow Jar (randomly picked)
- 1 random Heart Breaker 2024 prize
- 100,000 IcePoints


1st Place Prizes
- Gold Contestant Trophy
- An Aurestal and Phantasmoire Snow Jar
- 1 random Heart Breaker 2024 prize
- 150,000 IcePoints


All other entries will receive a Snow Contestant Trophy!


Finally, the Heart Breaker Consolation Prizes are swapping out for some brand new Items! Get whackin' and smashin' for some exciting goodies!


What's better than settling down with a cup of tea and a good book? How about a weekend full of Questing? From today until Sunday, February 18th at 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the Book Quest will be doubled! In other words, you'll have twice as many questing opportunities all weekend -- and double the prizes, too! If you're not familiar with the Book Quest or just need some help shopping, Penelope recommends reading the Book Quest Request List before you begin.

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