New Heart Breaker Prizes & A Creative Writing Contest!




Getting sick of the same old Heart Breaker consolation prizes? Starting today, you may begin noticing some new Items popping up here and there -- so don't stop playing yet!


Do you have a special talent for cheesy, romantic poetry? We've got the contest for you! Starting today, we'll be accepting submissions for our new Cheesy Love Poem Contest. Any poem, not matter how corny or sappy, is welcome -- so long as it's Amourok-related and follows the contest guidelines.

Here's what you need to know before you submit:

Rule 1 - One entry per user.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 3 - Must be at least 3 lines.
Rule 4 - You should not show anyone else your entry; it is to remain anonymous before and during voting.
Rule 5 - Your submission cannot be identical to other existing works or ideas outside of IcePets; you may make references with your poem, but it cannot be a direct copy.
Rule 6 - Entries must be kept PG-13. For example, you may include mild violence, but not descriptive gore or brutality, etc. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 7 - Entries might be subject to edits by our writing department in the final book.
Rule 8 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it appears no work was involved.
Rule 9 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to Nexinhah by February 22nd, 23:59:59 IcePets time.
Rule 10 - Must be Amourok or love related.


Once the submission deadline passes, we'll allow Users to vote the best of the best. Three lucky winners will receive the following prizes!

1st Place
-Gold Contestant Trophy
-Golden Competitor Stamp
-A Pirate and Fairy Snow Jar
-1 random Heart Breaker 2023 prize
-A copy of the new book upon release
-150,000 IcePoints

2nd Place
Silver Contestant Trophy
-A Pirate or Fairy Snow Jar (User can pick)
-1 random Heart Breaker 2023 prize
-A copy of the new book upon release
-105,000 IcePoints

3rd Place
-Bronze Contestant Trophy
-A Pirate or Fairy Snow Jar (randomly picked)
-1 random Heart Breaker 2022 prize
-A copy of the new book upon release
-75,000 IcePoints


So, are you feeling sappy and creative? Now's your chance to show us what you've got!

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