It's Time to Clean Up!



For weeks, the Talytil Lakes have become dangerously polluted. And today, we've finally discovered the cause! It appears that swarms of Companions have been attempting to hoard their snacks, toys, and other belongings in these lakes. We aren't sure how long this has been happening, but investigators suspect this has been going on for months.


"Typically, Companions don't engage in such destructive behavior," Jacobi, a Companion expert explains. "But even in this case, these Companions do not mean any harm -- they are simply trying their best to survive! However, as the stewards of Terrafrost, it is our job to correct this behavior and clean up the messes these beloved creatures have made."

Do you want to help restore Talytil Lakes to its original beauty? Keep an eye on the news! In a few days, we'll be sharing a signup sheet and more information on how to do your part. There will be no limit for how many people can join, since we will need all the help we can get!

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