It's Time to Clean Talityl Lakes!



The residents of Talityl Lakes have begun wrangling Companions and gathering supplies, and so ask that all of Terrafrost join them in cleaning the lakes before things get out of hand. In order to do so, they have come up with a simple solution: Fishing! Everyone is welcome, and you may join in at any time during the event.

To start off, Gilbert insists that everyone only fish off of the pier. A lot of debris gets caught in the shallows, and Gilbert needs time to prepare their boat...


Welcome to the Clean Talityl Lakes Discovery Event, and to our new permanent feature: Fishing!

- Terrafrostians interested in helping out should head on over to the signup page to borrow a fishing pole.

- Once an hour (or every 45 minutes for Gold Accounts), you may cast your line off the pier.

- You earn points as you fish, and your points go towards the common goal of cleaning up the lakes.

- Each successful cast is worth 1 point. While there is a lot to clean... sometimes a hook will come up empty.

- Every glob of muck you catch is automatically turned in for 20 points.

- There are plenty of other items you may catch as well, and you may turn them in for a varying number of points or keep them -- but keep in mind any items you choose to keep cannot be turned in later!


"Thank you kindly for volunteering!" Jacobi says, a squirming Nautical Nuisance in his arms. "I'm sure -- ow! -- we'll have the lakes cleaned up in no time!"

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