Do you hear that gentle humming -- almost like a purr? Why, it's the Crystal Ridix, all freshly washed and groomed! We don't recommend giving them another more baths, as they aren't particular fond of water, and those crystals are sharper than their claws...
If you'd like a pawsitively adorable Crystal Ridix of your own, you may pick up a Crystal Ridix Morphing Potion over at the Snow Jar Igloo. Gabrielle has even given the recipe a bit of a remix!
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Do you hear that gentle humming -- almost like a purr? Why, it's the Crystal Ridix, all freshly washed and groomed! We don't recommend giving them another more baths, as they aren't particular fond of water, and those crystals are sharper than their claws...
If you'd like a pawsitively adorable Crystal Ridix of your own, you may pick up a Crystal Ridix Morphing Potion over at the Snow Jar Igloo. Gabrielle has even given the recipe a bit of a remix!
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