Have a Joke to Share?



Callingall comedians! From today until May 1st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, we'll be holding an IcePets-themed joke contest. So if you've got a joke you've been itching to share, we'd love to hear it. While this contest is being held during Novitaria,it doesn't have to be related to the holiday -- however, it should still be IcePets related.

Want to show Terrafrost your comedic talent? Here are the rules:

Rule 1 - One entry per user.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely yourown.
Rule 3- You should not show anyone else your entry; it is to remain anonymous before and during voting.
Rule 4 - Entries must be kept PG-13.
Rule 5 - Entries might be subject to edits by our writing department in the final book.
Rule 6 - Must be IcePets related.
Rule 7 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to IcePrincess by May 1st 23:59:59 (IcePets time). It should simply be written out, no images.


Thetop three winners of this contest will win some pretty neat rewards. And everyone who submits a joke, regardless of whether they win, will be featured in an upcoming Book!

Here are the prizes you can potentially win:

1st Place

-Gold Contestant Trophy
-Golden Competitor Stamp
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-150,000 IcePoints

2nd Place

-Silver Contestant Trophy
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-100,000 IcePoints

3rd Place

-Bronze Contestant Trophy
-Prankster Pie
-A copy of the Contest Book
-75,000 IcePoints

So, are ready to spread some laughter? You've got nothing to lose, so give it your best shot!

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