Generosity Is Here -- Time for Prosperity!



As you gaze up at the night sky, you just might see a blaze of green light illuminating the darkness. This can only mean one thing -- the first of the three Auroras has awakened!


Generosity is a being of light who resides in the sky with the other two Auroras. However, when Terrafrostians are in need, she presents herself as a strong, yet gentle creature with many hands that she uses to reach out. When you see those beautiful green lights in the winter sky, you can be certain that Generosity is near.

To those who took part in last week's tasks, Generosity is immensely grateful!


If you weren't able to help awaken Generosity last week, don't worry -- the event isn't over! The next Aurora is Prosperity. Like his partners, he needs the help of Terrafrostians to awaken and illuminate the night sky with his red light!

To take part in this week's awakening, users should fulfill these tasks as many times as they can before December 15th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time:

-Purchase items at any store in Terrafrost.
-Take part in Quests (daily Quests will be doubled this week!)

-Play games and send in your scores

Once you fulfill these tasks, you will be awarded Event Points! Once again, these can be spent at a new store that opens at the end of December!

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