Ansvin Begins!



As 2022 rolls around, excitement for the new year spreads throughout Terrafrost. As a result, you can expect to see plenty of festive activities from fellow Terrafrostians; from casual pajama parties to black tie cheese-and-wine galas, the celebration of Ansvin varies greatly from person to person.

Celebrations of the new year have been around forever, but around six or seven centuries ago, the Novyns of Terrafrost created the beginnings of what we now know as Ansvin. As Novyns ventured into the wonderful community of Terrafrost, they brought some of their intriguing customs with them. Their exceptional wisdom inspired Pets of all species, so naturally, this yearly celebration has become more widespread every year.


To honor the role Novyns played in this holiday, you may see parade-goers on Ansvin Eve celebrating by wearing Novyn whiskers and tails, practicing traditional Novyn dances, and even flying paper Novyn kites down the streets.

The pinata also plays a notable role in the Ansvin celebration. These represent the negative feelings and events of the previous year, and by smashing them, you can symbolically leave those experiences behind. And of course, the prizes within these pinatas have a meaning as well -- they represent the good things to come in the year ahead!


Some Ansvin traditions can vary by region. Those living in Glacia or Snowslide Mountains may release colorful lanterns into the night sky, while others may throw colourful paint on each other. In Knollo Woods, some may wear two costumes over top each other, ripping off the outer costume at midnight to represent a fresh start. In the Misty Isles, it's popular to dive into icy water when the clock strikes midnight, and warm up with some hot cocoa and berry pie afterwards. Others may celebrate with something as simple as standing on a chair and "leaping" into the year to come.

No matter how you like to celebrate, there's something to look forward to this upcoming Ansvin. Be sure to make the most of it and start your year off on a positive note!


If you want to leave behind the sorrows of the previous year, a local Party Novyn named Archi has opened up a brand new feature -- the Ansvin Pinata. You can take your negative feelings out on this pinata once per hour, up to six times per day! Make sure you have some Battle Items on hand to take part in this activity.

You can also get some pretty nifty prizes from the Ansvin Pinata. Some of these rewards are items from previous years -- including pinatas!

Archi will keep this feature running throughout the entirety of January, so you'll have all month to take a swing at it. We hope you'll enjoy this new feature, because it'll be back next year as well!


Craving some more pinata-smashing? You're in luck, because Pinata Mania is back! A new game will begin every half hour, and it will end whenever someone clicks the winning pinata. And if you have a UHD, you can get shorter time between clicks, meaning more chances to win prizes. The game will be running until January 23rd, 23:59:59 IcePets Time, so start smashing while you can!




The votes have been tallied, and it's time to announce the winners of Member of the Month (MOTM for short)! For this month's Yet to Win MOTM, everyone congratulate...


Thank you for making IcePets a better place!


Next up, the winner of the Free for All MOTM, please congratulate...


Thank you for your continuing contributions to our community!


Both of these fantastic members will receive 100,000 IcePoints and either the exclusive Member of the Month Avatar, or, if they already have it, the Honoured Member Trophy.





While member votes were tallying for MOTM, Staff votes tallied for SOTM, and this month's winner is...


To acknowledge their contributions to the team, we've created the following Item in their honour! You can get this Item once a day by visiting the Staff Page every day this month.


Supercharged Tater



As we move into January, new Items can be found in the I.C.E Shop for the duration of the month! Head on over to pick up the new Too Far Back Ice Cube and Time Warp Trading Card. Each of these is priced at 500 IceCash (or 450 IceCash for Gold Members)!


We're also releasing the Ambiguous ICE Box, which includes the 2020 ICE exclusive Items. It's only 1,000 IceCash (900 IC for Gold Members), so if you missed any monthly items from 2020, be sure to pick one up!


Additionally, there are two more new items to keep a watch out for. Bottled Time is a must-have for dedicated Battle Shop shoppers! You can also get it as a reward from the Space Quest, and in a week, the Weapons Quest will be asking for it.

We'd also like to introduce the super-adorable Krittle Wrist Watch. You'll never lose track of time with this trendy watch on your wrist. If you'd like to get one of your own, you can pick one up at the Grooming Parlour today!

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