A Peaceful Arrival



A flurry of white scatters the sky, mingling with the red and green aurora lights. The time has finally come -- Peace, the final of the three Auroras, has awakened and joined their beloved Generosity and Prosperity in the night sky!

Peace is a kind-hearted and patient being of light who can solve even the most heated conflicts. Just being in their presence is enough to fill one with a sense of joy and peacefulness. To those who participated in this week’s awakening, Peace is immensely grateful!


Now that the Auroras have awoken and united, Aurestal can finally begin. The three magical beings -- Generosity, Prosperity, and Peace -- reside together in the skies of the wintery December nights, illuminating the land with their colorful lights and bringing gifts and showing kindness to Terrafrostians young and old. As the winter season goes on, you may also encounter Snow Sprites, which are adorable and sentient puffs of snow that assist the Auroras.

In addition, the tasks users fulfilled during the awakenings can finally pay off, as the new Aurestal Store opens its doors! Get your hands on some fun Aurestal-themed items while you still can, because it will be closing back up on December 31st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time. The new openable for 2020 Items will be added on December 25th, while the new Forgotten Aurestal Box can be purchased now and includes Items from Aurestal 2010.



And if you don’t manage spend all of your points, don’t worry -- as surely as the Auroras will awaken again, the store will now re-open every year for the entire month of December! Nothing goes to waste, either; Aurestal Points not spent by the end of the month will simply be stored away to be used in future years.

An additional note for any intrepid collectors -- the Aurestal Store has a unique feature where it has some permanent stock, alongside some rotating stock. The permanent stock will include the Aurestal Snow Jar and all yearly Aurestal Calendar openables, with each coming year's openable being added to the permanent stock once said calendar is finished. The rotating stock, on the other hand, will change every year. No Item made available through the rotating stock will be limited to this one location, but they will generally include some more thematic or interesting items!

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