A Dreadful Air...



What's that in the air...? Eerie frights and sweet delights? Why, it's the season of Phantasmoire!

Terrafrostians are encouraged to get into the spooky scary spirit with a Phantasmoire Coloured Pet, as they are experts at consuming vast amounts of sweets and braving foggy groves. Don't have a Phantasmoire Pet? Fear not! The ever generous Beauty King will morph one of your Pets for free, and the Colour will be permanently added to your Pet's Closet!


Throughout the season, Terrafrostians will be setting tasty treats out on their doorsteps for visitors -- but only those in the spirit, meaning only a Phantasmoire Pet holding an Empty Haunting Treat Bag will be able to take part.

The Empty Haunting Treat Bag may now be found restocking in any NPC Shop (excluding Port Rakor and the Snow Jar Igloo). You will also automatically turn empty bags into full ones when you collect enough goodies!

You may also stock your own doorstep with treats by going to your profile and clicking "Add Food to Doorstep". If you are in need of Food to put out, anything from Sugar Rush, Affogato, or the Glacial Grocer will do -- and those who stock a mountain of treats may also find their cumulative Trophy has a new look... or two... or three!


The exceptionally brave and daring this Phantasmoire may visit the Haunted House every three hours (instead of the usual six). It sure does seem extra haunted this time of year, but there's bound to be some seasonal Items hidden in there...



Finally, the Token Booth is offering a brand new Phantasmoire-themed Item -- the adorable, not at all dangerous, Puffball!

The Puffball, along with the returning Scarecrow Shield, Empty Grave Stamp, and Phantasmoire Dovu Wrappings, will be available until October 9th, 23:59:59 IcePets Time. They will then be replaced with a new batch of Items!

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