I did my dream site theme finally + A bootstrap theme for mobile users

Today i'm showing the CSS-related news.

  • The site finally has a default theme, and also...i'm very proud of myself after doing this...
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(a demo of the theme)

  • And also...a Bootstrap theme has been installed for the site. If you're using mobile you can switch the theme if the main theme is difficult to use.

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One of the issues with bootstrap code is it creates a bunch of garbage javascript just to get something up and running. It causes the forums code to bloat quite a bit compared to if you just did the coding yourself actually. CSS can provide  most things but it can be a bit tricky at first. My site is completely bootstrap free. For beginners it is easy to setup but extremly difficult to troubleshoot if something goes wrong.

I just don't trust it.

Bootstrap is fine to use. It does create extra code likely not used by every application and so can create bloat making some things harder to trouble shoot, but it makes having a mobile friendly application a lot easier without having to do everything yourself. 

And the JavaScript components of boostrap are optional anyway. Their grid is all CSS but there are some things they add that can be handy that needs JavaScript to work correctly or just make it more attractive or user friendly etc.. 

Frameworks like Bootstrap can be  pain sometimes though, I'd had my share of aggravations, but overall it definitely saves time and is worth it to not have redo basic functionality myself.
