Hunting System!



(300 HP for the hare is temporary. It's normally 30 and dies in 1 hit...if you can catch it!)

The base hunting system is now complete!

While exploring it is possible to find prey. After clicking "chase" it shows the hunting screen. In this screen you have the 4 different moves (with room for more in the future). Depending on your stats and hunting skill each has a chance of success or failure depending on what you use them on. Higher stats affect the success and strength of your attacks, while a higher hunting skill only affects success. So you could have very low attack and not do much damage, but rarely miss if your skill is high enough.

The blue bar is your energy, and the prey gets away if you run out. Most prey will also constantly try to escape, so try to bring them down in the quickest way possible!

While I haven't added aggressive (and potentially lethal) prey yet, it is possible to lose health, get injured, or die while hunting if the prey retaliates. If things are looking grim, save yourself and give up!

While not completely polished (only hare is available, wolf sprite doesn't match character, background is a placeholder), the system itself is complete. Later down the line I'll work on pack hunts, which involves the alpha picking a large target and all those with the hunter rank help bring it down. I'm going to take a break with hunting though, and focus on other features for a while.

That's all for this update, and I hope it gets you all excited!


(300 HP for the hare is temporary. It's normally 30 and dies in 1 hit...if you can catch it!)

The base hunting system is now complete!

While exploring it is possible to find prey. After clicking "chase" it shows the hunting screen. In this screen you have the 4 different moves (with room for more in the future). Depending on your stats and hunting skill each has a chance of success or failure depending on what you use them on. Higher stats affect the success and strength of your attacks, while a higher hunting skill only affects success. So you could have very low attack and not do much damage, but rarely miss if your skill is high enough.

The blue bar is your energy, and the prey gets away if you run out. Most prey will also constantly try to escape, so try to bring them down in the quickest way possible!

While I haven't added aggressive (and potentially lethal) prey yet, it is possible to lose health, get injured, or die while hunting if the prey retaliates. If things are looking grim, save yourself and give up!

While not completely polished (only hare is available, wolf sprite doesn't match character, background is a placeholder), the system itself is complete. Later down the line I'll work on pack hunts, which involves the alpha picking a large target and all those with the hunter rank help bring it down. I'm going to take a break with hunting though, and focus on other features for a while.

That's all for this update, and I hope it gets you all excited!
@Dinocanid: I wish I could do something like this but I just don't have the skills just yet. I feel like I am a bit behind everyone else in terms of game design, I am just getting started with what I can do. Still all and all it looks like a pretty good feature.

Thanks! I had help making the system, since I'm not skilled in javascript/ajax and couldn't do it myself.
Don't give up though! I've only been at this for about 3 or so years, so there's still a bunch of stuff I need to improve.

Thanks! I had help making the system, since I'm not skilled in javascript/ajax and couldn't do it myself.
Don't give up though! I've only been at this for about 3 or so years, so there's still a bunch of stuff I need to improve.
@Dinocanid: Its just that I have been working on mine for about 5 years and still I am kind of unsure. I second guess myself whether I really know what I am doing because I see it work on paper but have no basis to say it works in practice. The original site does work but the new one I am not sure about. I am working on creating a dragon hoard at the moment. Still I am not planning on giving up on it just yet. Javascript is a language i know next to nothing about but will eventually have to attempt it on my own.

The site that you built does look really good, mine is not that flashy and is a bit more meager. I am trying to build something closer to older fashioned graphics from the 80's. I need the site to be fast in performance and bandwidth, but by doing so I have weakened the amount of content I can display. My homepage can only display 3 images per section, and only have 8 sections total.

This is as good as i can get it while making things good enough for slower connections 56k or less. I have to sacrifice a lot of images on the other pages because of this, including the user's profile. Still I am hopeful that things will work out well. ^_^
