Game List Roadmap


New member
So I wanted to spend some time to go over the next steps for our Games List, and issue this as our Road Map of what will come out moving forward. I am not going to be putting hard dates on these, as I don't want to rush these features, and want to get feedback along the way.

The Game List is in my mind a very important site feature for The Gaming List. It is something that I feel is not only required, but needs to be useful for both game owners and also people looking for games. The features it makes available have to work towards both parties.

So, in a generalized order as I see it, here are the upcoming features.

Please discuss these. I am open, you guys know what you like or want more then what you feel is lesser in importance.

  1. Game news

    Posted to game listing, similar to a blog to allow you to post news and updates to your games. Using it will allow you to boost your game, much like bumping a post will boost a topic.
  2. Adding an RSS feed to syndicate a feed allowing for auto news posting.

[*]On board game staff

  1. Listing users on these forums that may be staff, allowing users to be able to know who is who. This is optional.

[*]Through tagging allowing similar content to be found through the the game. This will allow neat uses of game related forum topics. We will probably open up gaming related sections to allow game guides and such.

[*]Game rewards for reviews or comments

  1. Same as before, but I feel the other features are more powerful then this one as a feature.

What do you guys think?
