Game List: Phase 1 is Live


New member
I have just released the first phase of the Game List project. This phase is basically just allowing Game Owners to create their games, and allowing members to write reviews or comment on the game.

Coming next will be the enhancements such as Power for reviews, pinging the game whenever a review or comment is made for game rewards, and the ability to allow Game Owners to give an Adoptable for a review type of deal.

Small update rolled out this late evening/early morning as I fixed some rendering issues on mobile and reformatted the games widget and game list landing pages to show last reviewer/original poster if no reviews.

Great update - just had a look and it's looking great. Going to be brilliant once that starts filling up!

Just as an observation, I think the game list should only allow text, the Novilar banner is a little in your face and distracting for the rest of the games - unless that's the intention? 

Great update - just had a look and it's looking great. Going to be brilliant once that starts filling up!

Just as an observation, I think the game list should only allow text, the Novilar banner is a little in your face and distracting for the rest of the games - unless that's the intention? 
Going to work on that in the next update :)  

This is an excellent update. I'm sure this will be useful to many of the members here.

Are all types of game owners allowed to post their games here? For example, if someone had a game out on Steam or an HTML5 game on their website would those be acceptable to post?

This is an excellent update. I'm sure this will be useful to many of the members here.

Are all types of game owners allowed to post their games here? For example, if someone had a game out on Steam or an HTML5 game on their website would those be acceptable to post?
Yes, it's format is completely open.
