Game Directory is getting some love!


New member
As some of you may noticed, we have more and more games being created in our Game Directory, and a few members are to thank for this. Remember, all games in the directory are editable by members, so if you have more to add to the description or features, please feel free to do so! You will find the Edit link towards the bottom of the page before the comments.

If you have a review (if you have played it) or if you wish to comment on games, please do so as well. Our hope is to get our BIG list of games into our directory over the next few days/weeks!

I have to wonder if maybe it would be best to set some very basic ground rules for games added to the directory? Such as the existence of a registration system, even if it's closed or in alpha/beta, to make sure it's not just a 'concept'. Or perhaps the exclusion of games like this 

Which are liabilities and could be taken down by the real Pokemon Company any day now, aha...

That is a fair point about Pokemon Pets, although I was simply going through a list of Pet-sites available. I believe, sites in the game directory should also be included even if they're 'in development', it just has to be marked so. I don't think I would mind seeing In Development sites that have not yet opened to Alpha on the list, but like other sites, maybe require the need to have basic information available, and screenshots.

I suppose at that point, the developers would have made their game known to the general public.

Side note.. I did try to add a banner for Pokemon Pets, but it doesn't seem to work.

I definitely want in development games to be included. As long as they have a tag they can be filtered out if you don't want to see them.

An additional tag they may be nice though if we start adding old games that are completely abandoned (admin gone, bugs not being fixed, etc...) would be nice to have a tag for that too. I remember vpl had a ton of sites like this, and they just weren't playable due to bugs, sometimes the registration itself was broken. And I wouldn't want it filled with sites like that without some way to filter them. I don't necessarily mind having them somewhere, just seems interesting to know, but definitely want them to be distinguishable.

But sites in development that are actively being developed I like being in the list.

Not sure I particularly mind Pokemon games being added. They don't quite fit in the either category though. So there's that. But can't say it's not an interest at least. But their sometimes short shelf does keep me from getting invested anyway.

It would actually be nice if the games in that section were only editable by owners or their designated staff, from my perspective.  If your game is going to be prominently featured at the top of the forums but anyone can mess up your game description or add random comments or content, it's not a great place to have your game featured from an owner's point of view.  I would have thought that the forums would be for users to add their own threads, comments, screen caps etc.  It might encourage owners to be more active here if their interests are being considered as well.  I could see others being able to post games in the directory if there is no owner or designated staff present on this site to do so for their game.

It would actually be nice if the games in that section were only editable by owners or their designated staff, from my perspective.  If your game is going to be prominently featured at the top of the forums but anyone can mess up your game description or add random comments or content, it's not a great place to have your game featured from an owner's point of view.  I would have thought that the forums would be for users to add their own threads, comments, screen caps etc.  It might encourage owners to be more active here if their interests are being considered as well.  I could see others being able to post games in the directory if there is no owner or designated staff present on this site to do so for their game.
I would normally totally agree, however it has been my personal observation that most owners just don't bother to spend the time to post or keep up with stuff.

The changes made to games directory are recorded and revisioned, meaning we can easily undo any changes made, as well as know who did it. It is closely monitored and kept appropriate. In some cases, should I know a game owner will actually put time into their pages, lock the pages from being edited by anyone except that user.

We do have options to cater to game owners, but I would rather be reserved for the game owners who are committed rather then stop, do it once, never update it again.

That's reasonable to lock upon owner request as long as  you feel they will update the page.  I would like to request that Aethria be locked because I tend to get pretty OCD about how things are organized and I want to post updates in a way that makes sense.  I do plan to update regularly, in fact I have an update to post as soon as my server company picks up my ticket and figures out whatever they did to imagick while installing litespeed :P
