Fullstack Developer [Accepting Projects]


a little about me:

I'm mostly known online and in gaming communities as Syn or Syntax. I've been a developer and building games and things since I was about 13, so it's been about 11 years. I went to college for Computer Science, and I've been working in Marketing and Web Development industry at a professional non-freelancer level for just under 5 years. I'm currently the Lead Developer at my company, and as stressful as my job can be sometimes I love it. :)  My free time is mostly spend perusing the internet, taking care of my micro-farm and pets, and any kind of game playing. I love picking up side projects, every project is a chance to learn and expand my knowledge and there's just something about gaming projects that I get really passionate about. If you would like any examples of my work please reach out to me. I'd like to cater my portfolio or samples to what you're looking for since I've done a wide range of things. I can also provide my LinkedIn profile as a resume on request. 

a little about what i do:

Specifically my expertise is in web applications. I am very familiar with working responsively, and with API's. Due to the nature of Web Agencies, I've touched pretty much every web stack out there at least once, but I heavily prefer LAMP(PHP) and MEAN(Node.js) and Ruby stacks. I do not usually shy away from new technologies either. 

  • New Development - I'm happy to go from planning stages to launch on projects. Research and planning is probably one of my favorite stages of development because that's where a lot of the problem solving comes in, but seeing a project through to completion is so incredibly rewarding. 
  • Maintenance/Continued Development - Another benefit of working in Web Agencies is the experience you get with projects you work with that you didn't build. Picking up where someone left off isn't always the ideal situation, but is often necessary and is something I'm able and willing to do. I may require some discovery work before agreeing to anything however. Peeking behind the curtain to see the state of the code in the project is usually extremely helpful when I'm trying to determine quotes, feasibility or just making honest recommendations. 
  • Consulting - Consulting is useful for project ideas or examining current assets. It's often helpful to get quotes about features and the level of complexity of a project before dedicating a lot of resources to it. I'm also happy to evaluate current projects for security concerns, value, general quality or potential needs. 
  • Retainer - If you're working on a tight budget, or don't need a developer often but want someone you can call if something goes wrong or to make occasional updates then we can talk about retainers. It's basically a prepaid block of time that can be one-time or recurring. Then as you need bug fixes, updates, the retainer basically guarantees I'll be available for that number of hours for you when needed.
  • Template Coding - I don't do these as often but front end work(HTML/CSS/JavaScript) is another area I enjoy working in. I can take Sketch/Photoshop files and create a responsive set of PHP or HTML templates for a website or for sale. 
  • Managed Hosting - Basically a monthly or yearly cost and I will take care of the hosting responsibilities, server management, networking and domain/SSL management and installation.

a little about the cost:

My rate is heavily dependent on the technology I'm working with and starts at $15/hour. I try to work within budgets whenever possible and the rate I provide is negotiable but I will also be realistic with you about what you're asking for. My process usually includes a discovery point where I interview you or ask you a ton of questions about your project, goals, priorities, etc. and then I'll provide an hourly estimate along with my rate and the total cost. I do build contingency time into my estimates and only bill for what I actually spend time doing, so the majority of my projects cost less than my estimates but that contingency time is non-negotiable because I don't bill more than what I estimate for projects.

a little bit more:

As a general rule of thumb I do not take partial ownership as payment for projects I work on. Of course there are always exceptions but chances are I'm not going to be interested in that kind of arrangement unless the project is already live and generating money(even if it's not profitable). My available hours vary slightly depending on how busy I am at work, but for the most part I have a decent amount of time to work on other projects every week that are mostly in the evening and weekends. My job is very flexible though, so if something emergency-level happens I am almost always available to handle it. 

If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I don't bite! 

I may be interested in bringing you on for some features on my project after I give birth to see my remaining funds! :)  I give birth July 6th so I hope you're still available around that time. <3 You seem very knowledgeable in your skills. Currently, I'm the lead developer and owner of the project. It is developed in Laravel with Vue.js at the front-end framework. We also use Bootstrap for the grid system and some other small Javascript components. The main thing we are using for mini-games and the adventure/battle system is Phaser.io.

Do you have any experience in these specific technologies?

I may be interested in bringing you on for some features on my project after I give birth to see my remaining funds! :)  I give birth July 6th so I hope you're still available around that time. <3 You seem very knowledgeable in your skills. Currently, I'm the lead developer and owner of the project. It is developed in Laravel with Vue.js at the front-end framework. We also use Bootstrap for the grid system and some other small Javascript components. The main thing we are using for mini-games and the adventure/battle system is Phaser.io.

Do you have any experience in these specific technologies?
Thanks! Usually agency work slows down in the summer so if anything I'll probably be more available then. Quite familiar with Laravel, and actually using Phaser on a current project. I also know Bootstrap and while I've never done a project in Vue, I've used other javascript frameworks. :)  Any developer really worth their salt knows how to pick up new stuff though so I don't usually sweat it if I don't know a specific framework going into a project. Congrats on the baby!! You're first or another addition?

@Syntax that's good to know, thank you for informing me! What other Javascript frameworks have you used? :)  Are you using the new Laravel framework or one of the older versions? I didn't know if you were doing projects in the newest versions!

And I agree. :) My job uses Pimcore as their CMS and while I knew a lot of other CMS's including Silverstripe (which is also MVC), I was able to catch on pretty quickly. The only strange thing about Pimcore is how they create their objects since it's not anything like Laravel using Eloquent or anything. Have you ever done the repository pattern in any projects? I have that setup for mine and was just curious!

It's also our first baby :) We may have one more in the future, but I'm not entirely sure yet since I don't want too many kids! I have a lot of hobbies and want to still have time for those as well! I also want to provide her with a lot of opportunities and with my husband being a stay at home parent, I want our financial status to stay where it's at since I can easily support a family of three at the moment :)  

Yes, I've used a couple of the latest versions due to timing of the projects(5.2 - 5.4). We use a dozen or so various CMS' and similar softwares for our clients but Statamic is one we use frequently for smaller sites, and it's based on Laravel and the creator was a speaker at a recent Laracon. As for JavaScript frameworks the one I know the best is probably Angular. And yes, I'm actually slowly moving my companies' deploy process to be repository based(they didn't use repositories at ALL when I took over last year T.T). So now we use bitbucket and one by one when I get the time to do so I've been moving the old projects into there. 

Congratulations, that's really exciting!  :)  Hopefully it doesn't get too hot in the summer where you're at. I've heard some miserable stories of being 8-9 months pregnant in awful heat haha. 

@Syntax great to hear! :)  I have never used Statamic so I'll have to check it out. Right now I have used OctoberCMS and am currently testing out PyroCMS :)  I love CMS's that are based on Laravel especially for my larger clients with larger businesses.

AngularJS is a good Javascript framework. I have never used it, but the developers that made VueJS said they based a lot of their concepts on AngularJS, but it's more lightweight and simplistic.

Oh noooo!! I don't understand how people can develop without version control! :o  Especially if there is more than one developer.

Come June, it's SUPER hot here so I'm sure I'll be inside 24/7 when the temp starts to rise XD
