Forum Milestone: 100 Members!


New member
Just wanted to let the community know that today we have reached 100 members on the forums. This is beyond amazing, and it not only makes me incredibly proud, but also makes me amazingly humble. When I started the forums under 2 months ago, I had no idea that we would have grown so fast or developed such a great community in such a quick amount of time. I have all of you to thank for that, for without you guys, this great community simple would not exist.

We have come a long way, and done a ton in a short period of time, and we will continue to press forward in the many different areas we are currently working in to not only build this wonderful community but also try and bring new life into the industry we have been most focused on. This is done by members like all of you being active and being as wonderful as all of you have been.

To thank you all, a free adoptable will be made available shortly in the store (I will post when available):

Meet the "Fuzzy Yeti", an Adoptable drawn by the wonderful @LIZ!​

Yay! I was watching our member count and knew this milestone was coming up.

Thank you @LIZ for this adoptable! ^_^

And thanks to everyone else for your contributions to our community here.
