Eqcetera: Art Update - Light Drafts!


[SIZE=11pt]Happy weekend everyone![/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.999999999999998pt]?[/SIZE] New Base: Light Draft


[SIZE=11pt]The Light Draft crossbreed base is here and marks the completion of all generic cross types having art! Any horses that are considered a generic light draft breed now display the new art. More info on generic crossbreeds [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]can be viewed here.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.999999999999998pt]Forever Upgrades[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]We have many artists continuing to work away at NPCs, maps ([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]oooo![/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]), towns ([/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]ooOoO![/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]), and many other secrets. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]So, to help pay for more art we have decided to open up forever upgrades for sale. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Forever upgrades are on sale until September 20th at 11:59 PM EST/game time. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Buying a forever upgrade means you will be able to enjoy the perks for your upgrade tier well… forever! Forever upgrades are available for bronze, gold, and platinum upgrades. If you purchase a bronze or gold infinite upgrade and later wish to upgrade to a higher tier, you may do so by paying the ingot difference between the tiers. Ex. The bronze tier is 15,000 ingots and gold 20,000. If you wish to later upgrade from your bronze infinite upgrade to gold, the cost would be 5,000 ingots.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.999999999999998pt]✉️[/SIZE] HoFa Updates

[SIZE=12pt]As a reminder, Horse Fable updates will not be posted to Eqcetera.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Instead, they can be accessed through 2 channels: HoFa socials or by signing up for updates on [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]horsefable.com[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] , [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]we suggest both following socials and signing up for emails[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]. Our goal between now and when we launch HoFa is to really concentrate on building the social media channels and increase awareness about HoFa in general. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]We’re planning email updates biweekly or weekly until launch with sneak peeks into some sparkly new features. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13pt][ Facebook ][/SIZE][SIZE=13pt]      [/SIZE][SIZE=13pt][Instagram ][/SIZE][SIZE=13pt]     [/SIZE][SIZE=13pt][Twitter][/SIZE]

[SIZE=13pt]Sign up for email updates at horsefable.com[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend![/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Bedouin and Curly[/SIZE]

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