Eliyo - Kickstarter February 5th! Adventure Awaits!


Senior Member
Eliyo is launching their Kickstarter on February 5th!

Eliyo is a world filled with creatures known as elons, which are intelligent animal companions that can be captured, trained, and bred. Elons are unique individuals with personality and mood which affects how they interact with you and world around them. 

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Elons are driven to fight and love battling. Train your elons in the elements and fight stronger and more challenging foes. 

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Breeding is also a fun aspect of the game. Breed across the generations and watch how your markings and parts carry on down the line!

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Exploration, questing, human avatars and more are all planned for our Kickstarter release. But you can join today for free and get a jump start on everything! Anything you gain now will be saved for when we get to the full release of the game. 

Join Eliyo: http://www.eliyo.net

You can also check out the kickstarter preview right now! http://www.eliyo.net/kickstarter Use the 'Notify me on Launch' button so you won't miss our release!
