Senior Member
Here a list of the features that are currently built for Duelingpets in the newest build, as well as the features in development.
Features in development:
Bookworlds allows users to create various different universes
Books allows users to create books based out of their respective universe
Generalchapters provides a generic chapter profile for multiple chapters
Chapters allows users to create a story line for which their characters will follow
Current Features:
Maintopicmoderators allows users to moderate a maintopic [Complete]
Maintopicmoderatorrequests allows users to become maintopic moderators [Complete]
Containermoderators allows users to moderate a topiccontainer [Complete]
Containermoderatorrequests allows users to become container moderators [Complete]
Forummoderators allows users to moderate a forum [Complete]
Forummoderatorrequests allows users to become forum moderators [Complete]
Faqs provides information of common features to new users [Complete]
Soundvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's sound [Complete]
Radiostationvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's radiostation [Complete]
Artvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's art [Complete]
Artpages displays a picture of an imaginary creature to get the site a bit more flavor [Complete]
Containersubscribers allows the user to subscribe to a topiccontainer [Complete]
Maintopicsubscribers allows the user to subscribe to a maintopic [Complete]
Subtopicsubscribers allows the user to subscriber to a subtopic [Complete]
Channelvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's channel [Complete]
Movievisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's movie [Complete]
Galleryvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's gallery [Complete]
Alerts informs the user of friendrequests, foruminvites, colorschemes and pms that have been just received [Complete]
Webbanners allows the admin to change the website banner [Complete]
Foruminvites allows users to invite their friends to an invite type forum [Complete]
Foruminvitemembers allows users access to post on an invite only forums [Complete]
Pastforumowners allows the forumowner and the users members to either take over the forum or be appointed as the successor of a particular forum [Complete]
Forumtimers keeps track of the activity of when a particular user visited the forum itself [Complete]
Pagetimers sets up timers for each individual page of the website [Complete]
Uservisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's profile [Complete]
Blogvisits keeps track of when a current user visited a particular blog [Complete]
Watch allows users to watch others and receive alerts on new content [Complete]
Friendrequest allows users to befriend other users [Complete]
Friends shows who you are friends with [Complete]
Pagesounds allows the webadmin to change the various music of the site around [Complete]
Forums allows users to communicate with the community [Complete]
Radiostation allows users to create their very own music [Complete]
Gallery allows users to create their very own art [Complete]
Channel allows users to create their very own movies [Complete]
Suggestions allows users to suggest new features to site [Complete]
Contact page allows users to ask question or report bugs about the site [Complete]
Donation box allows users to store points received from other users [Complete]
Private messaging allows users to send messages between specific set of users [Complete]
Shouts allows users to comment on another user's profile [Complete]
Blogs allows users to create a set of news that users can comment on [Complete]
Colorscheme allows users to change the colors of the site to whatever they wish [Complete]
Active allows users to see if one of their friends is online at the moment [Complete]
Stats allows users to see the state of the economy as well as other stat related info [Complete]
Sitemap allows users to travel from one section to another with relative ease [Complete]
Features in development:
Bookworlds allows users to create various different universes
Books allows users to create books based out of their respective universe
Generalchapters provides a generic chapter profile for multiple chapters
Chapters allows users to create a story line for which their characters will follow
Current Features:
Maintopicmoderators allows users to moderate a maintopic [Complete]
Maintopicmoderatorrequests allows users to become maintopic moderators [Complete]
Containermoderators allows users to moderate a topiccontainer [Complete]
Containermoderatorrequests allows users to become container moderators [Complete]
Forummoderators allows users to moderate a forum [Complete]
Forummoderatorrequests allows users to become forum moderators [Complete]
Faqs provides information of common features to new users [Complete]
Soundvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's sound [Complete]
Radiostationvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's radiostation [Complete]
Artvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's art [Complete]
Artpages displays a picture of an imaginary creature to get the site a bit more flavor [Complete]
Containersubscribers allows the user to subscribe to a topiccontainer [Complete]
Maintopicsubscribers allows the user to subscribe to a maintopic [Complete]
Subtopicsubscribers allows the user to subscriber to a subtopic [Complete]
Channelvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's channel [Complete]
Movievisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's movie [Complete]
Galleryvisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's gallery [Complete]
Alerts informs the user of friendrequests, foruminvites, colorschemes and pms that have been just received [Complete]
Webbanners allows the admin to change the website banner [Complete]
Foruminvites allows users to invite their friends to an invite type forum [Complete]
Foruminvitemembers allows users access to post on an invite only forums [Complete]
Pastforumowners allows the forumowner and the users members to either take over the forum or be appointed as the successor of a particular forum [Complete]
Forumtimers keeps track of the activity of when a particular user visited the forum itself [Complete]
Pagetimers sets up timers for each individual page of the website [Complete]
Uservisits keeps track of when a current user visited another user's profile [Complete]
Blogvisits keeps track of when a current user visited a particular blog [Complete]
Watch allows users to watch others and receive alerts on new content [Complete]
Friendrequest allows users to befriend other users [Complete]
Friends shows who you are friends with [Complete]
Pagesounds allows the webadmin to change the various music of the site around [Complete]
Forums allows users to communicate with the community [Complete]
Radiostation allows users to create their very own music [Complete]
Gallery allows users to create their very own art [Complete]
Channel allows users to create their very own movies [Complete]
Suggestions allows users to suggest new features to site [Complete]
Contact page allows users to ask question or report bugs about the site [Complete]
Donation box allows users to store points received from other users [Complete]
Private messaging allows users to send messages between specific set of users [Complete]
Shouts allows users to comment on another user's profile [Complete]
Blogs allows users to create a set of news that users can comment on [Complete]
Colorscheme allows users to change the colors of the site to whatever they wish [Complete]
Active allows users to see if one of their friends is online at the moment [Complete]
Stats allows users to see the state of the economy as well as other stat related info [Complete]
Sitemap allows users to travel from one section to another with relative ease [Complete]