Developer for hire


Hey guys,

I'm Maxim, a PHP developer at heart, that dabbles in front-end work, in the past I have worked on modular gaming and to be honest I miss working on a game.

Due to recent events my schedule cleared up quite a bit, meaning I'm available to work on new projects.

I've written a tutorial series on how to implement the pokemon battle system in VueJS (mainly to teach VueJS specific concepts):
My website contains most links that showcase some of my work:


  • PHP 7+

  • Laravel

[*]Javascript (ES2015+), VueJS, NodeJS

[*]Web sockets (real-time communication front-end/back-end)

[*]Server setup

[*]CI/CD setup (code deployment)

Work process

Send me a message or a mail that outlines the project you would like me to work on, to get the ball rolling.

  1. If we click we can start outlining the work that needs to be done and divide it into tasks.
  2. I'll add time estimates to the tasks so we can start planning in work
  3. Lastly I'll send out a quote for the initial month, once it's approved I'll start work
  4. I would prefer to get 30% of the quote up front, while the remaining 70% can be paid after the work has been finalised and validated.


Depending on the size and duration of the project I can offer hourly rates between $35 and $50, depending on the volume of work.


I live in Belgium (UTC+1), however I will do my best to match up part of my schedule so we'll both be online on the same time.
I'm happyDemon#5070 on discord, I'll also give out my e-mail address after the initial intake, skype is also an option.

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