

New member
Hello, I am a current student studying computer programming and looking to go into video game design and programming. I have about eight years of experience working on a number of programming languages and was recently pointed toward this site as a place to market myself.


I am proficient in C, C++, C# and Lua having used those languages as my go to for any schooling and projects I have worked on.
Programming logic and code flow are things I work very hard on and have a lot of experience working with and tinkering around with to the most perfect as I can get them. 
I am also familiar with Java and Python, though any project requiring those might be a little slower to work on as I would have to pick up the language a little bit as I go along, though it wouldn't be a problem.
I am also more than happy to learn new languages for whatever project you work on. It tends to take me about 3-5 days of solid study to get comfortable with a new language's syntax and idiosyncrasies. 

I would like to negotiate payment with each client based on their needs, length of project and all those other fun factors.

If anyone is interested in a well rounded game designer I am also fairly well practiced at that, be it level design, combat balancing, economy testing or what have you. Though I don't do any of my own art, sadly that is not a skill I possess. 
My availability will be based around my school schedule, that said most of my work will probably get done on weekends and late evenings during the week. 

I can be contacted most easily at [email protected]

