Cybura - Player Shops, Missions & More!


Senior Member
It's about that time again to where we roll out another update, so let's jump right in!​

So some Citizens have been requesting all the current markings to be added to the Breeding Simulator for all species, well, today you're in luck!... Well... Sort of... All of the markings that we had the PSD's for are added to the simulator but the Adult Ice Dragon PSD is currently MIA and we have the Elder one instead. So all markings, the adult Ice Dragon being the exception are added and we need to commission those ones.​

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Alright, speaking of commissioning the markings for the Adult Ice Dragon, the next set of feature we will be working on are: Companion Encounter & Taming, Companion Breeding, Nest Locations/Companion Egg Care, & Bigger Marking selection. And as usual, the programming is not the issue, rather the art. As a game in development and with the costs of the quality artwork, we definitely need your help! So if you'd like to help out then we have our Token Shop filled with many great items, or if you see nothing you want at this time, you could just purchase a few tokens to have on hand for when something is released that you have interest in. And of course, you can also support us by spreading the word to others and coming online to play Cybura each day. :) Oh, and there is also a new chest available, if you want to check that out.​


Next, we have now added a "Sell" and "Exchange" feature to NPC shops! Have items you want to sell because you are in need of quick currency? Click on the sell tab and see what items the shop will purchase back and for what price. Shops will only buy back items that they sell, and once you sell to a shop then those items will be added to it's stock for other players to purchase! The Exchange feature allows you to exchange a quantity of your items for other items that the shop sells. For example, in the Gardening Supplies store, you can exchange x4 Seeds for a bag of seeds of the same type! And before we forget, we have implemented an Auto-Stack features when buying from NPC Shops, so items will now stack on their own when purchased!​

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And now... it is time to head to Headquarters to get ahead in life... >.> But all joking aside, you may now take on various new missions available at the Official's Headquarters! For the moment they are all garden-related but that will change in the future, especially with upcoming companion-related features. Some missions will be re-playable and others won't, so if a mission reappears then it is because it is indeed re-playable. And of course, for each mission you complete, there is a reward for doing so. :D

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It's time to set up shop! You may now open your very own shop to sell your items to other citizens for Coins, Bytes, or even Tokens! You can set your own shop name and description as well as what currency your shop will take! So be sure to take a look at that when you have the chance.​

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And last but not least, we have yet another OC brought to the world of Cybura! Be sure to say hello to @Spitfyre's OC Mac! Just... we suggest you watch your back after you turn around from doing so... X'D If you would like to bring an OC to Cybura then be sure to grab a Custom Outfit Voucher from the Token Shop.​



Thank you for playing Cybura and for your support! Until next time!​
