Customize, Easter, Tokens & More! Oh My...


Senior Member
Hey Every-Bunny! Long time no see? ... Why does this seem to keep happening... -.- Well, we seem to keep having set backs, mainly with art and not to mention the new features takes a bit of work to get them juuuust right and ensure they are the best for our valued players and supporters and lets not forget about the testing time! But gah, this is going to be yet another long bulletin board post, so it is best to get started right away, it's filled with lots of new and exciting things indeed!​

Before we move into the new features, we would like to inform you that the last 4 days of the 15 Days of Christmas event are now able to be claimed, so if you haven't already, then do so now. The link can be found in the previous bulletin board post as it has been removed from the main navigation. Oh, and before we forget (again XD), we now have an official Discord server, yay! We will be adding a link to the bottom right of the page alongside the social media icons soon, but for now, you can join by clicking the following link: By joining the server you will be able to ask questions and get quick responses as well as receive mini-updates before the official bulletin board post and chat with other users and staff as well. We are looking forward to seeing you there!​


Okay, so first thing's first! As I am sure all of you are already aware, today is Easter... at least at the time of writing this bulletin post, late Easter, but still Easter. And yes, our goal was to roll out this update early Easter but that didn't happen... OBVIOUSLY! But with Easter comes an Easter event taking place here in Cybura! To sum things up, you hunt throughout the site for your Easter egg(s) when you notice the egg image appear in the activity diamond at the top center of the page. Once you have found the correct location that egg will glow purple, letting you know, it is time to start scanning the page for your egg(s), click on the egg and claim your prize. This event has both a free and premium portion and consists of 33 unique possible items (18 Free, 15 Premium). And don't forget your party and Easter basket event buffs! Oh, and one more thing, don't forget to login by 4/2/2018 11:59pm PST to receive a cute little bunny avatar! More details below!​


1. Login before April 2, 2018 11:59pm PST to receive your Easter Subscriber forum avatar.​


2. When you see the Easter egg image appear, then it is time to start searching for your eggs. Eggs can be found on any page excluding forum threads, the exception being bulletin board posts. Eggs can be found in each forum location's main page though, for example they can be found by clicking "The Library" but will not be in the discussions themselves, again, only exception is the bulletin board discussions.​


3. When you have found the correct page then the main Easter egg image will glow purple.​

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4. Once your egg is glowing, then scan the page to find the hidden Easter eggs and click on them.​

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5. Next click on the egg in the pop-up to claim your prize.​

6. Once you have done so, then the event will not trigger for another 15 minutes. Do be careful not to load another page as well, or refresh the current page until you have claimed your items, else you will lose your chance at your items and have to wait another 15 minutes, this is intentional.​

7. To participate in the premium portion of the event, visit the Token Shop and grab the Green Easter Egg for the male premium items and/or the Pink Easter Egg for the female premium items. You need to activate this item in your travel bag after your purchase.​


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8. Form a party with other players to be notified what they found in their egg as well as receive the party buff for this event which activates the possible chance of getting 2 items in one egg.​

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9. If you don't want to receive duplicates of items you already obtained, then take a look at the Easter Basket item in the Token Shop, this ensures you get a unique item until you have them all. Do note that there are 3 sets of items (free, premium male, and premium female), once you have acquired all the items in a set, then you will start receiving duplicates for that set. You need to activate this item in your travel bag after your purchase.​

Next up we have the long awaited character customization feature! You can now customize your character with all the sweet apparel items you have obtained over time, and lets not forget these new Easter items! Keep reading for more details!​

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1. Add the items you wish to use on your character to your wardrobe via your travel bag.​


2. Click the link under your active character's image in the user panel.​

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3. Click on a category and select which item you would like your character to wear. Order items by clicking the "Top" and "Bottom" links to the right, "Bottom" sends the item further back and "Top" brings it to the front. Don't forget to save when you are done!​


And yes, for those of you who may be wondering if Color Cubes can be used on apparel as well as companions, the answer is DEFINITELY! It has been the idea from the very start and each apparel item, as well as character and companion bases were designed specifically for this! Our goal is to allow as much customization as possible, we want to lift as many limits as we can, not only on customization but on Cybura as a whole, to ensure you have the most enjoyable and fun playing experience! Heck, even the eggs are customizable! (Resulting from breeding of course.)​


Now, speaking of color cubes, that brings us into our next update, the Token Shop! This shop is Cybura's premium shop, players may now purchase the premium currency known as "Royal Tokens" and use them to purchase items that are exclusive to the Token Shop. You will find the Token Shop freshly stocked with every color cube known to man, as well as other wonderful items. Some things to note are that prices are not final, we are still in testing stage, so this is no exclusion. Tokens do not break down, it remains a whole number, so, with that said, we are open to suggestions on everything, and yes, there are token bonuses starting at the minimum transaction of 10 Tokens. More info on the Token Shop below.​

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1. Click on the "Get More" button to trigger thise pop-up. Enter the desired amount of tokens that you wish to purchase and the Token Bonus section will update showing you how many additional tokens you will receive as a bonus, if any. Once you have entered your desired amount, click "Purchase" and you will then be redirected to paypal to securely complete your purchase. Once your payment is complete then your tokens should automatically be credited to your account, unless your order is marked as "pending review" by paypal, in this case then you will receive tokens once the payment is approved by them.​

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2. Upon entering the Token Shop, you will notice the male and female base models, these are used for previewing apparel items that are in the Token Shop.​

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3. Below the models, you see the items currently in stock as well as their cost in tokens, and a preview icon if it has an apparel preview.​

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4. Click on the preview (eye) icon to preview the apparel items on the models.​

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5. Click on the item image to trigger the pop-up that will allow you to enter a quantity and add it to cart. The token amount will update automatically.​

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6. Go to your cart to complete the purchase. You may update quantities and remove items as well.​

Before we move any further, lets talk a little bit about the differences between a custom item and a custom outfit. A custom outfit is your complete OC character design, in one layer, layered over the Cybura character base and is standalone, it cannot be used with any other Apparel item, the exclusions being backgrounds, foregrounds, and some trinkets. Custom outfits are not color cube compatible. A custom item however, is an item designed to your specifications, that will be made into an official Cybura item, meaning it will be fully layered, so yes, it is color cube compatible and can be worn with other Apparel items. Players will receive 5 copies of their custom items and they can be for personal use or swapped/sold. Your username will be credited in the item description and the item will not be sold in NPC shops without your consent. If you do allow your custom item to be sold in NPC shops, then you will receive a percentage in coins or bytes for each copy sold.​


Okay, so, the next thing we would like to inform you about is that travel bags can now be activated via your travel bag. Once you click activate then your travel bag is instantly upgraded. It's on the small side of the updates but definitely a useful one.​


Last on the updates menu, but certainly not least, it appears Celra has officially opened up his shipping service! This means you can now send and receive gifts to/from other players! Isn't this exciting?! You can send up to 12 items at once! And even provide a delivery date! That definitely will come in handy for birthdays or other special occasions, never have a package late again! Check below for details!​

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1. Enter the username of the player you would like to send items to, select the desired character (RP purposes), set what day you would like your items to be delivered, enter an optional custom message and then continue to step 2.​

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2. Step 2 will display shipping information as well as the items in your travel bag, click on the items you wish to add. To remove items, click on them as well. When you are done then click "Ship Package" and you are finished, the items will be delivered on the date specified.​

Okay, so as we wrap up this amazing update, we would like to inform everyone that the fundraiser is retiring, it is being replaced with the new Token Shop, so if there is a tier you have been eyeing then you might want to claim it very soon. Also, We have found a new artist for character design and customization. For those (2 users) who are currently awaiting their custom outfits, it will be transferred to the new artist, since there has been no updates from the previous artist for a good while. Also we have made contact with our NPC artist and they are available again, so while they are, we would love to commission all of the NPC's needed for Alpha as well as some more customization items. So with that said, if you are able to, then support Cybura by purchasing tokens and reward yourself with Token Shop exclusives. We have lots of promising features in store for everyone and would love to launch Alpha soon so we can start moving out into the two other muchMoreMassiveThanTheACZ realms, but to do this, we will need your support, we would like to keep bringing you high quality art and extensive features.​

"Thank you all for your support and for playing Cybura, we hope you enjoy the event as well as the new features and have a very punny day!"​


Cybura Staff!​
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