Crossbreeding is live!


As many of you have noticed, crossbreeding has been enabled! We opted for an initial "soft release" to ensure we catch major bugs before the whole community gave crossbreeding a whirl. We are pleased to announce no major bugs have been found, though we are quickly working to get remaining breeding related bugs worked out!

We also have an A-MAZING thread started for players who would like to showoff their pretty new crosses. You can find that thread here!

We will begin working on new breed registration as soon as we knock out the remaining breeding related bugs! Users will be able to register their crosses as new breeds, which will be available in multiple worlds if the Sire and Dam are of different worlds! Once this feature is released, we will post an in-depth guide for this feature including a how-to video.

Also, our adorable breeding plushies are fully operational!​


These little cuties can be found in the Cash Shop, and can be used to force certain breeding outcomes. For example, the Double Trouble plushie will ensure twins from the horse you use this item on!

Next, we are working very hard to get the remaining site-text revised and ready for the official opening. Our original Jan 1 date has been pushed back a bit, but we are still open and ready for new players! Here is a short list of areas that will soon be updated:

  • Horse Creation
  • User Inventory
  • Main World Navigation
Lastly, we are still planning our server change! We ran into a few issues when looking for a new host, but finally found a great new option. This server change is planned for next week, and will not result in any data loss. We may experience one day of downtime, but I will be sure to send out notice via email newsletter, news post, and social media updates (be sure to follow us on FB, Insta, Tumblr, and Twitter if you aren't already!).

For those of you missing World Coins from the new user starter pack, we just pushed one additional world coin to all members!

Stay tuned for additional updates!

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