Core Member Welcomes!


New member
This thread will be to introduce new members into our Programmers, Artists, and Writers groups. I have coined this collective group the sites Core Members as they are specialists in their fields, offer valueable services to members and help the board through awesome posts and comments.

So, I would like to welcome:





Remember that to become a Core Member is relatively easy, requires a post in our looking for work forum and a minimum number of posts every 90 days to maintain your user title. Overtime we hope to grow this program!

Oh I wonder if I could get the Writer title... Maybe I'll start a post in the market!
Your already a Core Member as a Moderator, however I will add writer as a secondary group. Not sure if you will get the badge. Let's see.

Edit: Appears that you show up as a writer on the Core Membership page, but since you are a moderator, you will not get the user group badge since the badge only displays for your main user group, which Moderator doesn't have. This can probably be changed in the theme, and will be something to look into when I can get to it.

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Welcome @Syntax to our Core Members as a Programmer. You can read more about her abilities and specialties on her post:

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Got a few new Core Members to add to our ranks today (I have been slacking, my apologies).

@LIZ has joined our Artist group:

@Aminirus has also joined the Artist group:

@dracula has also joined our Artist group:
