CelestialEquine: Spooky Time Updates


Good evening, CE players! We have officially kicked off spooky season with a ton of exciting releases in both the Celestial Shops and Cash Shop. This news post will cover development updates, pending releases, bug updates, and spotlight a few of our favorite recent updates!

First up, spooky releases! Our Magic Shop, Celestial Market, and Tack shop all received some exciting new items. Specifically, the Magic Shop received over 97 new genes between our October release and additional Fall recolors! Have you had a chance to snag any new spooky or fall seasonal genes? Be sure to show them off on the Celestial Equine "Show Off" channel on Discord!

In regards to our monthly and seasonal releases, we have had several questions about the parameters of these releases. October is our second month of releasing nearly 100 new genes to the Magic Shop and Celestial Market, so we are still working on tweaks and perfecting the concept. However, rest assured that these releases will become more manageable after we get through our first year of monthly/seasonal releases! Our goal with this change is to ensure the shops feel fresh each season/month and gives every player an opportunity to create fantastic horses without utilizing the same set of genetics. This concept also applies to the Cash Shop from a rotational standpoint. Lastly, seasonal/monthly releases will continue to rotate through each year!

Next up, we have some exciting development updates for everyone! We have finally pushed an inventory update to allow players to post items to auction/place up for trade from the inventory view! We have also added a cooldown time countdown to the barn view for players to view horses available for breeding with less profile hunting.

We are still hard at work perfecting our new gene book and item book, so be on the lookout for previews and updates around these two features. The item book will also allow players to pull additional quantity of items they own from the item entry, which removes the need to contact staff for quantity replenishment. Three cheers for automation!

Lastly, onto bug updates! Our priority bug fix at the moment is our PayPal error which popped up October 1. This is due to upgrades to the PayPal integration, which should be resolved by Monday. In the meantime, any player needing to upgrade or make a purchase can send a PM directly with their PayPal email and details of their purchase to be invoiced. Thank you all for your patience while we focus on this issue! We will resume working on our retirement barn issue once we confirm this glitch has been resolved.

Stay tuned for additional updates!


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