CelestialEquine: New Staff and More!

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Good afternoon, CE players!

This week has been a whirlwind, but we are thrilled to announce we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel in regards to our server move. Though the move was rocky, this was necessary upgrade to CE to ensure our ability to expand continues. Most importantly, we are primed and ready for an influx of new players!

This news post will cover the following:

- New staff introduction
- Aendara breed expansion
- Tutorial status
- Recently resolved bugs
- Pending releases
- Player Code of Conduct reminder

Staff Introduction
First off, we are thrilled to announce the arrival of a brand-new artist, Tony! Tony is an illustrator with a knack for fantasy and will be a major asset to CE. Moving forward, Tony will be stepping in to assist Ella in getting the backlog of orders moved along! This should trim down our art waiting list and may even result in more opportunities to snag ready made genes and wearables.

In addition to a new artist, we have also selected a new moderator and writer! Thank you all for applying - this decision was very difficult. Please extend a warm congratulations to Schwabelle for earning the role of Moderator and MagikRose as our official writer.

Aendara Breed Expansion


New genes arrive on February 1 and we cannot wait for you to play with the new Aendara goodies! The Aendara is receiving the following new genes:

- Wings
- Mane + Tail set
- Feathering
- Body Colors
- Marking Colors
- CE original Eyes
- White Markings

As always, we will also be releasing recolors of these new genes to the Magic Shop for all players to enjoy through the month of February. Which genes will you try to hoard? Let us know in the comments of this news post! You just may win a prize!

Tutorial Status

We are making great progress with our new player tutorial! This guide will be a brief introduction to the CE backstory to ensure our fantastic Lore gets the attention it deserves, and a walkthrough the CE exploration map! Thanks to some fantastic player suggestions, we will also integrate some new player objectives to help them get started and familiar with the many features available on CE.

This guide is taking priority over other planned features to ensure our newcomers can get caught up to speed as quickly as possible!

Recently Resolved Bugs

Our developers have the patience of saints and have been hard at work fixing bugs and incorrect implementation of many features since our server move. Though we took special care to test for weeks before the move, we could not have foreseen the issues you all endured this last week. As of today, the following bugs have been resolved:

- Horse Creation
- Image previews
- Adorafly + Wardrobe loading
- Custom Item creation
- Misc Forum bugs
- Player Shops
- Player Registration

We have many other behind the scenes fixes as well, but needless to say this was a very productive week! We will resume regular fixes in the next few days.

Pending Releases

We have a handful of really exciting upgrades + releases slated for this coming week! Firstly, we are adjusting The Wardrobe to only list individual items 1 time rather than listing an item depending on uses. This should cut down on repetition within your Wardrobe!

Next up we will be working on our Shadow World breed book, adding a redirect after login for players getting the login screen when clicking a link, and working through image bug list.

In addition to development releases, we have over 100 genes/wearables arriving on February 1 to the market shops and Cash shop! Be on the lookout for a release reminder on January 31.

Player Code of Conduct

As a friendly reminder, please do you best to be kind and courteous to staff when you are interacting via Discord, PM, Forms, or any other form of communication. Our staff team does their very best to meet the needs of all players and keep the peace, but we are also human with human emotion. Above all, we expect staff to be respected as we pour every ounce of our free time and emotional energy into the growth and well-being of CE while also balancing our real-world lives. Thank you for your continued patience and empathy!

Stay tuned for our next update!


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