CelestialEquine: New Lore and more!


Good Evening, CE players!

We have a brief update for you all today.

First off, we are excited to see so many new faces around Celestial Equine! It has been an exciting start to 2020, and we are pumped up for the pending releases we have through April.

With that being said, this news post will cover the following:

- New Lore Post
- New Cash Shop Genes
- Pending Spotlight Event
- Healing Pool
- Companion Forest

Our most recent Lore chapter features Nyssa and her escape from the fallen Celestial Kingdom! With the Sentenials hot on her trail after her brother’s wrongful accusation, will Nyssa ever find sanctuary? Find out in detail here!

Remember, upgraded players have access to additional lore content (longer chapters), so be sure to upgrade to get the full Lore experience!

Next up, Cash Shop genes! We have 6 new Body Colors available in the Genetics area of the Cash Shop. The colors are as follows (click the links for preview images):

- Pastel Abalone Shell
- Purple Sky Geode
- Toxic Fuchsia Dapple
- Storm Velvet
- Royal Velvet
- Teal Abalone

Our January Cash Shop genes (winter and fall theme) will be available through tonight at midnight. Brand-new Spotlight Event Package Genes and related items will release tomorrow, so be sure to check your private messages for a release notification!

Lastly, we have two pending releases for the weekend. The Healing Pool and Companion Forest will go live this Sunday! The Healing Pool will be an area where players can heal injured/health depleted horses. The Companion Forest will be a fun area where players can lure and bond with companions in order to capture them. Both of these features will be released via private message, so be sure to hop on Sunday to see what is new!

Let us know what you think in the comments!

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