CelestialEquine: Happy New Year - CE updates & More!


Happy New Year, CE players!

We are so grateful for each and every wonderful CE player. 2023 was a wonderful year of learning and growing as a community. This news post will cover some of our favorite 2023 updates, new releases, and our update plan for the start of 2024. Keep reading to learn more!

First off, I am excited to highlight a few of my personal favorite horses spotted in our “Show and Tell” Discord channel. If you are not a part of our Discord community, be sure to join here! (https://discord.gg/wsdE723UnU)! It is a great way to interact with players and learn some fun tips from seasoned players.

First Highlight - Dravonna! Dravonna is a long time player of Celestial Equine and constantly wows with her fantastic line of horses. Here are a few of our favorites!



Next highlight is a newer player, FriendHamster! FriendHamster has produced some of our favorite, most interesting crosses. Here are a few favorites from our Discord channel.



Lastly, PurplePoppy!PurplePoppy consistently blow us away with her fantastic genetic combinations! Here are a few recently shared favorites.



Each of the mentioned players has received 5 gems! Be sure to check back for more player spotlights and gifts for those selected.

Next up, site updates! As previously mentioned, we are hard at work improving our majorly outdated code. These updates will improve our speed (page load time) and the overall functionality of CE. While this update is tedious, we expect players to notice big differences in game quality. We do not have an exact release date for this update, but we will keep everyone updates as we move through the testing phases on our development server. These changes in a thorough testing mode to ensure the updates do not cause errors for game-play.

Gene releases

Brand-new glitter prancer genes can now be found in the magic shop and alliances! This gene series will only circulate in the magic shop during the month of January but will remain in the alliances indefinitely.

We have also released 8 new variations of the beloved Sekhmet mane tail series! The entire series can be previewed in the spotlight event area, here, or individually in the cash shop.


Be on the lookout for more genetic releases in the near future!

Thank you,


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