CelestialEquine: Celestial Lore & More


Happy Holidays, CE Players! We hope you all are having a restful break and an opportunity to reflect on your successes this year. As a special treat, you each have been gifted a White and Gold Holiday Ribbon wearable! To view this item, simply navigate to your inventory. Enjoy!

Next up, we hit a huge milestone this week and have reached 10,000 members! Thank you all for your support as we continue to navigate through live development.


Holiday Sprites have been frantically working to put together a beautiful collection of exclusive Cash Shop items, and they are finally here! The Winter Spotlight Event is now available in the Cash Shop. This package includes beautiful wearables, frosty genes, and the two newest companions! Check it out here.


Our long-awaited Celestial Lore has been released as a landmark on the Exploration Map! Celestial Lore not only explains the creation of this beautiful world but also follows the lives of the Royal Family in monthly chapter releases. The Creation Story, Chapter 1, and 4 character guides are currently available, so head on over to read an amazing story!


Love this update? Let us know in the comment section! We love feedback :)

Check back soon for more updates,

CE Staff

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