CelestialEquine: CE Update + more!


Good afternoon CE players! 

We have some very exciting updates for everyone! First, I am so grateful for this dedicated community. Celestial Equine continues to thrive due to the patience and positivity of our players. As many of you know, Celestial Equine has been a passion project of mine for many years. However, as my personal life has continued to change over the last ten years, it has become apparent that CE will need a change in leadership to continue moving in the right direction. I am excited to announce Ellastasia has accepted the role of Community Manager and will take over my role. Elle has played a vital role in the development of CE and is a staple in our staff lineup. You all can expect more frequent updates, revised bug handling, and more clarity around feature development. I will be taking a backseat to focus on the financial and developmental aspect of CE, so this is not farewell!

To celebrate this change, all players have been sent the following gift:

  • 20 gems and 150,000 coins!
Be on the lookout for Ella’s first update, which will include an updated development timeline, a new exciting giveaway (spoiler - it includes an enter breed!!), and a new referral contest.

 Happy Sunday!


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