CelestialEquine: CE News and Dev Updates!

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Good afternoon, CE players!

What a wild week it has been! Thank you all for your patience as I have been away this week braving the Texas snow-pocalypse. This news post has a few quick updates:

- CE Birthday Contest
- Pending Market Releases
- Development Updates
- Bug Updates


As many of you have read on the Discord - CE has officially hit 2 years of live development! Another fun fact - did you know Celestial Equine’s original name was Marvel Horse and opened in 2010? After 3.5 years of live development we made the decision to briefly close are revamp to bring our fantastic new art style and breeding ideas to life!

In honor of this milestone, we are hosting yet another “Beauty Contest”. Check out the contest here to get your entries in before closing! Winners will be announced tomorrow.

The snow-pocalypse has pushed back our beautiful Celestial Market wearable releases. Since it is the last week of Feb we will be releasing the February wearables along with our March for a fantastic double release! These will start stocking March 1.

Onto the fun stuff! Our development progress has been slightly delayed due to weather but we are picking back up full steam ahead.

Our main area of focus continues to be revamping the jumbled mess that is our Barn + Tradelot. There are major issues with the method of implementation that requires slow rewrites to ensure the system does not completely collapse. It is imperative that bugs regarding these areas continue to be reported with as much detail as possible in the forums. Feel free to piggy back on current running threads to give updates, additional context, and any patterns you may have picked up.

We will not work on any other areas until these are back to being fully operational. In the meantime, try to use these features as intended to continue getting a feel for the current remaining issues! This includes issues with barn 0. Reporting new horses landing in barn 0 is very important!

Once we wrap up this area we will turn our attention back to a fantastic interactive new player guide and some navigation related updates. We are so close to a nearly bug free CE!

Players are permitted to have (2) free accounts. Please keep this in mind! We continuously find players with 20+ accounts, which is a grave exploit of CE and its free features. We are tightening up with this regulation and have dolled out more severe repercussions for repeatedly breaking this rule. CE is very resource greedy and this is one way we keep a handle on server needs. Thank you all in advance for abiding to this rule!

Thank you all for reading this update. Happy gaming!

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