CelestialEquine: Bug Fixes and Development updates!


Good evening, CE players!

We have quite a few exciting updates for everyone along with some fun previews for upcoming releases! Keep reading to learn more about development updates, pending releases, and more.

Bug Fixes
First off, time for a bug update! We have officially resolved our pesky retirement bug. Any horse stuck in your regular barns can now be retired again to have that oldie booted to the retirement barn. Thank you all for your patience while we investigated this error. It was a tough one to track! We have also resolved our PayPal integration issue, so feel free to browse the Cash Shop to snatch a spooky release while they are still available.

Logo and Design Updates
Next up, we have a ton of fun new releases! As many of you have noticed, a brand-new stunning logo has replaced our original horseshoe. This update was so meaningful and marked 2 years of live development, which is getting cleaner by the day. Thank you all for your continued support and patience while we create a beautiful fantasy world for everyone to enjoy! In addition to a beautiful new logo, we have also been hard at work cleaning up our overall design. This is something we are not quite done with, but you may notice improved color coordination, even spacing, and overall upgrades on various pages.

Custom Items
Players who have ordered custom genes and/or wearables can now generate additional quantity from their inventory! This has been highly requested and we are thrilled to give players more control over their items. This can be viewed upon the "custom item" area in your inventory. Please note we are NOT done linking items to associated players, but will continue this project over the next few days.

Item Book and Gene Book
Unfortunately, these two reference areas will not be completed this weekend. We are thinking this may be complete by mid-week, but both areas have not yet exited the testing phase. Be on the lookout for a mini-update upon release! These will be added to the "Celestial Library" alongside the Breed Book and Top Scores.

Pending Releases
In addition to our gene/item books, we are working on a brand-new index page! This new design is beautiful, clean, and showcases the many reasons why new players should join Celestial Equine. We are also hard at work generating some beautiful Forest/Prehistoric themed wearables and genetics for November. Who is ready for bones and mossy wearables? I know we are! We have a few more spooky releases slated for the middle of the month as well.

Celestial Alliances and Lore
We took a short break from Lore releases while we tidied up our Alliance concept. Lore will be making a fantastic comeback with a new chapter next Friday, so be sure to read up on the happenings of the Royal family! Our Lore chapters tie directly into our pending Alliances, which enter development in about a week as well.

New Way To Earn Coins
A brand new online game directory has launched and we are looking to make a splash with Celestial Equine! Be sure to vote and leave a review as it helps our visibility within the directory. Voting will earn 5,000 coins, which can be done daily! Online Gaming Directory

That wraps up this news post! I hope you all are happy with our progress and excited about upcoming releases. Have a great weekend!

Thank you, 


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