Celestial Equine Updates!





New landing page!

We are so excited to release our new and highly improved landing page! As you all know, we are very adamant about listening to suggestions from our users, and one issue that has come up time and time again is how difficult getting started/navigating to certain activities can be. We have assembled a brand-new landing page with easy access the following:

  • Unlocking worlds
  • Competitions
  • Beauty Contests
  • Top stocked shops (based on unique items)
  • Quick links to all world activities
This landing page can be seen directly after logging in or by clicking the Celestial Equine logo from our navigation bar.

Love the new design? Have suggestions? Let us know in our most recent news post!





New Cash Shop Breed!

We have a new breed available in the Cash Shop! Special breeds can be found by clicking "Cash Shop" in the navigation bar and then scrolling down to the "Special breeds" section. We are working on adding some easier quick links to help players navigate to this area, but will continue announcing new breeds available for registration in the meantime.


Recent bug fixes & more

Now - onto the guts of this news update! We have been hard at work sprucing up designs around CE along with improving user navigation. In addition to cranking out a new landing page, we have also managed to resolve bugs associated with entering the Beauty Contests. Each entry page is loading correctly at this time, so it is safe to enter/vote again!

We have also released a "grow up" item that reveals a foal's adult form before the age of three, and an item that removes 1 year from your horse's age. Both of these items are available in the Cash Shop!


Development plans

Lastly, here is a brief breakdown of our development plans for the next two weeks!
  • Quick stocking user shops
  • Setting quantity stocked in user shops (currently stocked 1 at a time)
  • Ability to reorder barns
  • Ability to reorder horses within barns
  • Redesigned search page (and item directory release!)
  • Continued modifications to quest game
We will keep you all updated as to when each of these updates are released! Be sure to check out our most recent news post and offer your thoughts. We love hearing from our members!

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