Celestial Equine - development thread


Hello everyone!

Celestial Equine is charging ahead full steam with development! Thus far, the following areas are completed:

  • User Registration
  • Player Profiles
  • User Messaging System
  • News Posts
  • User Reviews
  • Forums
  • Chat
  • Player Shops
  • Player Inventory
  • Bank
  • Friend Lists
  • Wish-List
  • Referral System
  • Search
  • User Barn Purchases (cash shop)
  • World Coin Purchases (cash shop)
  • Unlocking Worlds
  • Worlds
  • Breed previews (world front page)
  • Premium Breed creator
  • Horse genetics
  • Horse profiles
  • User created competitions
  • Clubs
  • Presidential election (per club)
The following areas are still in progress

  • Basic horse creation
  • Breeding
  • Registering new breeds
  • Breed Book
  • Competition system (almost complete)
  • Battle System
  • Alter-Area
  • Item functions
  • Misc Horse Care
  • Vet feature
  • Beauty Contests
  • Misc Games
  • Art Depot
  • Top Scores (per world)
Another area in development are our world breeds. All breed preview images are uploaded to their respective worlds, but we are still slowly adding their genetics. We have enabled the following breeds thus far:


  • Mistlae
  • Yulestrian
  • Zambanii
  • Nulee




  • Layne


  • Eatora
  • Aetor















  • WAR


  • LOVE












Updates will be given daily in a new post!

Last edited by a moderator:
August 27 Updates

Hello all! We are currently working on the following areas:

  • Basic horse creation
  • Creation errors (can only create a "mare")
  • Competitions
We hope to complete these areas within this week! We also have a goal of completing our breed book, breeding, and breed registration area this week!

We are still full steam ahead adding breeds and getting new areas prepped for programming. Because we do not have a programming update, I have decided this would be a great time to introduce our breed book and breed registration feature! These areas are locating within the world clubs :)

First, lets go over the breed book! In each world, players will be able to access a breed book. This area lists details of each breed and is in alphabetical order. This is a great tool for checking out breed information or seeing what breed you may want to focus on next. Here is the preview we just received from our HTML/CSS team!

Breed Book Home Page

Next, here is what the actual book pages will look like! Again, these are fresh from our HTML/CSS team!

Breed Book Entry

Each world will have their theme integrated to these designs, much like the other areas you have seen fleshed out in each World.

Next, we have our player-created breed feature! Once we have crossbreeding finished up, players will be able to register their own breeds if they happen to unlock a unique combination of genetics. We will explain this feature once we get it fully integrated, but this truly is my favorite new feature of Celestial Equine! The following page is a preview of the Registration Home page. Players will be able to view their pending registrations, and view how many Registration Scrolls they have on hand. As previously mentioned, registration scrolls are required to register a new breed. Check it out!

Registration home

Lastly, here is a preview of the breed registration process. Players are able to select what genetics they would like to be included in their breed and write some brief details. Check it out!

Registration Preview

We are very excited to begin providing daily updates at The Gaming List. Check back tomorrow for additional updates, or hop on over to Celestial Equine and make an account to view these updates at the source!

OMG, very excited for the Breed Book! I love reading and art, so that book will keep me busy many a night! ?

Also really looking forward to crossbreeding - it's always been another feature I love in games :D

Fantastic work as always guys, keep it up! ?❤️

Thank you, @Bravefoot! Development has been such a nightmare at times, but we are so blessed to have found @PaulSonny. He has been putting in some major hours (even on the weekends, he is crazy) fixing bugs and getting us back on track. I having my fingers crossed for a full grand-opening around January 1!

At that time, we will shift gears to development of Lemorsea (a new twist on horse RPGs). Lets all say a quick prayer for Paul as he has a nice little pile of programming work in front of him ;)

Another big day of updates!

After dealing with the terrible database issue, we finally have all body images uploaded to the system again! The basic horse creation area is completed along with our issue with creating stallions!

We also finished adding our Gruele breed, which is available for creation in the Ruins! I will continue adding additional horn/mane/tail colors.


As of now, we are aware of the following errors regarding creation:

  • Missing body color description on profile (basic creator)
  • Layering error on horns/mane
We are hoping to have these errors + competitions finished up tomorrow!

The special day is finally here......


To enter competitions, complete the following steps:

1. Navigate to your desired world

This should be a world that has breeds available for creation/a world you have created horses in

2. Click the "Compete" button

3. Search shows based on your desired parameters

4. Enter away!

As you can see, there is an "enter all horses" button for upgraded users. With that being said, user upgrades are now fully operating in the cash shop! If you did not win an upgrade, I highly suggest checking out upgraded gameplay if you are interested in access the premium builder and easier class entry.

Classes will run at 12:00am tonight! If you missed yesterday's post, I highly suggest taking a look to read about competition prizes.

In addition to competitions being completed, we finished up the following areas on the horse profiles:

  • Fixed barn browsing bug
  • Fixed error in profile header
  • Fixed coat color issue
  • Enabled Points (earned after classes are judged)
  • Enabled health area
  • Enabled horse notes
  • Enabled mood
  • Enabled physical condition
  • Enabled interaction
  • Enabled competition stats (competition tab)
The remaining areas of the horse profiles will be finished up on Monday!

Unfortunately, horses with bugged coat colors will not be fixed. You are more than welcome to keep them as they are still correct otherwise! If you would prefer your horse be deleted, please respond to this thread.

Check back tomorrow for additional updates!

Hello watchers!

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend. As promised, we have been full steam ahead getting breeds enabled within our Celestial worlds. Over the weekend, we enabled the following breeds:


I am now taking a break from adding breeds to thoroughly check the builder to ensure all images are loading properly. We are aware of the following image issues:

  • Bay body color in the heavy base
  • Storm body color

If you found an error not listed here, please let me know! Before adding more genetic options, it is important to fix any current mistakes.

Next, we have counted the votes for our next big feature!​


As soon as we get through our current errors, we will begin working on the battle feature. If you are interested in a preview of the battle area, check out the preview news post here.


To wrap up this news post, here is a list of our priorities for next week:

  • Item functions
  • Presidential perks
  • Top club horses
  • Notification system
  • Misc horse profile edits/finishing up
  • Cash shop errors
  • Battle
