C++ coding help


Senior Member
I am having difficulty setting variables in linux.

I have a program called calz but it seeing it as ./calz instead of calz to run. Its C++ and I was wondering how do I tell it to do calz instead of ./calz.

I have tried changing my linux profile but it wound up screwing it more and I could use a lot of help to get this working correctly.

I need this to make my donationbox ruby code actually work.

The `calz` binary should be in your shell's $PATH. $PATH is a list of folders it'll check for executables, which is what allows you to just type calz.

You have two options: you can move it to a folder in $PATH (run `echo $PATH` to get the list), or you can add another dir to $PATH.

nevans@chi:~$ echo $PATH

nevans@chi:~$ cd test_913/

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ ls

# This is the problem
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ dummy_executable
-bash: dummy_executable: command not found
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ ./dummy_executable
Hello world! I have run successfully!

# Solution 1 - move it somewhere in the $PATH
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ sudo cp dummy_executable /usr/local/bin
[sudo] password for nevans:

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ dummy_executable
Hello world! I have run successfully!

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ which dummy_executable

# Solution 2 - add a new folder to the $PATH.
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ echo 'PATH="$PATH:/home/nevans/test_913"' >> ~/.bashrc
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ source ~/.bashrc

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ echo $PATH

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ dummy_executable
Hello world! I have run successfully!
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ which dummy_executable
Note that solution #2 is only adding that dir for your current user. If the webserver needs to add an entry to its $PATH, that'd be a mite bit different.

The `calz` binary should be in your shell's $PATH. $PATH is a list of folders it'll check for executables, which is what allows you to just type calz.

You have two options: you can move it to a folder in $PATH (run `echo $PATH` to get the list), or you can add another dir to $PATH.

nevans@chi:~$ echo $PATH

nevans@chi:~$ cd test_913/

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ ls

# This is the problem
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ dummy_executable
-bash: dummy_executable: command not found
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ ./dummy_executable
Hello world! I have run successfully!

# Solution 1 - move it somewhere in the $PATH
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ sudo cp dummy_executable /usr/local/bin
[sudo] password for nevans:

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ dummy_executable
Hello world! I have run successfully!

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ which dummy_executable

# Solution 2 - add a new folder to the $PATH.
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ echo 'PATH="$PATH:/home/nevans/test_913"' >> ~/.bashrc
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ source ~/.bashrc

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ echo $PATH

nevans@chi:~/test_913$ dummy_executable
Hello world! I have run successfully!
nevans@chi:~/test_913$ which dummy_executable
Note that solution #2 is only adding that dir for your current user. If the webserver needs to add an entry to its $PATH, that'd be a mite bit different.
@owlmanatt: I tried this solution you gave me but it kind of failed.

eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ calzNo command 'calz' found, did you mean:
 Command 'cal' from package 'bsdmainutils' (main)
 Command 'calc' from package 'apcalc' (universe)
calz: command not found
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ echo $PATH~/Resources/Code/donationbox/:/home/eric/bin:/home/eric/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ sudo cp calz ~/Resources/Code/donationbox
[sudo] password for eric:
cp: cannot create regular file '/home/eric/Resources/Code/donationbox': No such file or directory
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ source ~/.profile
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ ls
boxrate.cpp  boxrate.o  calz  Makefile  tax.cpp  tax.o
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ echo $PATH/home/eric/bin:/home/eric/.local/bin:~/Resources/Code/donationbox/:/home/eric/bin:/home/eric/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ echo 'PATH="$PATH:/home/eric/Resources/Code/dbox"' >> ~/.bashrc
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ source ~/.bashrc
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ echo $PATH/home/eric/bin:/home/eric/.local/bin:~/Resources/Code/donationbox/:/home/eric/bin:/home/eric/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/home/eric/Resources/Code/dbox
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ ls
boxrate.cpp  boxrate.o  calz  Makefile  tax.cpp  tax.o
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ calz
No command 'calz' found, did you mean:
 Command 'cal' from package 'bsdmainutils' (main)
 Command 'calc' from package 'apcalc' (universe)
calz: command not found
eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ ./calz

Is calz executable?

chmod +x calz
@owlmanatt: It is as can be seen by ls -la

eric@eric-PORTEGE-R830:~/Projects/Local/Websites/Resources/Code/dbox$ ls -la
total 44
drwxrwxr-x 2 eric eric  4096 Sep 10 14:44 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 eric eric  4096 Sep 10 14:44 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eric eric   579 Sep  9 23:38 boxrate.cpp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eric eric  2976 Sep 10 14:44 boxrate.o
-rwxrwxr-x 1 eric eric 13528 Sep 10 14:44 calz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eric eric   130 Sep 10 14:44 Makefile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eric eric   952 Sep  8 22:59 tax.cpp
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eric eric  2448 Sep 10 14:44 tax.o
