Badges, Background, and More!


Senior Member

A handful of updates went live yesterday for Eliyo. 


You can now find badges around the site. Badges can be favorited so that they show up on your forum posts and your user profile. Currently there are 8 to find, with many more planned! I won't tell you how you acquire them, so play around and discover them all.


A big thank you to Aaron for this update. This marks his first contribution as a programmer to the site and the first code update not done by me. Hope to have more in the future.

Timezone Selection

You can now set whatever timezone you want from your account settings page. Setting your timezone will affect time events which right now would be if you set Dynamic as the option for layout, though more things could come into play in the future. 

Icons Updated

I acquired a couple assets and updated Eliyo coin, elyte, and breed heart indicator to be more attractive. The previous ones were made by me and really meant to be temporary. So they've been updated. Hope you enjoy the new ones.

A handful of forum icons have also been updated. And a new mail and alert icon have been added on instead of the previous flat one that was used.

Daily Bonus Modal


Previously there was a notification to alert you of your daily bonus acquired. This has been updated to feel more rewarding with a modal on login that shows what you earned today, yesterday, along with what you will earn tomorrow and the next time you'll earn an elyte.

Default Elon Background

You now have a couple selection options for your elon backgrounds. The original older one, a plain light one, a plain dark one, and a seasonal one. This can be set for your entire account along with each elon individually. 


Being it's winter, this snow one is the current background applied if you select seasonal. 

Previous Updates this month include public breeding going live, new types of yokio (breeding herbs), and a new theme along with various bug fixes and smaller updates.

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