Badge/button Maker? best one for a cheap price?


hi i want to make some badges/buttons.. what is the best one for a cheap price out there? i have soo many ideas ^__^ does anyone on here make badges? if so can you tell me about how and what you make them for? what are your favorite kind of badges do you make? 

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I actually attempted some button making myself a few years ago. If you want to make professional-looking buttons on your own, I recommend Tecre.

This machine works really smoothly and takes only a few steps to create a button.

Also, be sure that your printer can print out crisp images, otherwise you'll have to take your art to a professional printing place instead. My printer at the time was garbage, so my 1.25" pin art came out like a blurry mess, and I lost interest. I only ended up using the button maker to make buttons from magazine cut-outs. Hah.

Anyway, I hope that helps some. The kind of buttons I like are band buttons, ones with funny/pun sayings, and ones with cool art on them.

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I think @SingSong really hit the nail on the head with all that info!

I got my button maker a few years back on eBay. I remember it being really hard to get one within my price range, since they were in hot demand (probably still are haha!)

I think I lucked out and bought mine for about $80 (I see the same one but new for $200 on ebay now, I just got lucky with an auction) but it's a lot larger than most buttons sold at conventions. I think it's 2" or 2.25". It came with a TON of blank materials too and I've barely used it :P  It was really fun to bring to art trade day at my college's club  and was a big hit!  I've grown fonder of the larger size as well, it really does allow for more detail.

Kicking myself because it came with a circle cutter, but it looks a lot different and I couldn't figure out what it was for so it's probably in some random box in storage  :/  It would make your life 100% easier with a button maker though, since the press could mess up the button if the paper isn't cut right.

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thank you guys for all the help!  the prices are way over my budget though. maybe i will luck out too and find one for a good deal, ^__^ 

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Oh hey, I actually have one of these haha. I bought mine from Dr. Don's, if I believe correctly. :3 I think it was over 100$ for a 1" pinback button maker when I bought it a couple years ago, but now it looks like it's skyrocketed. o.o"

It's a great quality though. :3 However, I do kinda wish I had bought a larger one. The 1" size is cute, but it's not so great for good details x3

I hope you don't mind me asking, but what quantity of buttons were you looking to make?
And what budget do you have? As very often batch ordering them can be cheaper than getting the machine and you get the option of varying sizes.

i never thought of that,  thank  you! is there a place were you can get them made, i know you can get them at zazzle, but is there another place that is cheaper?

Depends on where you are, cause of different vat/tax laws.
But if you're in the USA there is a number of places that do batch orders, say if you order 50 buttons then you can get them for $0.50 each. It works out to be pretty cheap overall and allows you to customize both size and sometimes shapes (some places do ovals, rectangles or squares).

I know this topic is a couple months old but thought I'd add - you can definitely find some people on Etsy that offer listings of custom buttons, just send them the art and they'll make however many for you. As everyone has said, button machines (good ones) are on the pricey side and I searched for a machine daily for several months before biting the bullet and buying a new one from ButtonBoyInc for about $217 USD. They're just really hard to find at a good price. If you just want to start out though with buttons but not paying $200+ for a machine just yet, check out Etsy for those listings! 
