Atrocity: Some updates- Beauty contests!


Its been a while huh??? I do apologize! I've been busy! I recently moved to a new place and there was a lot going on there- I didnt have time to work on the site much- Im very sorry! Im all caught up now and I have a new desk and things are all caught up so I should have time to do so Again!

I swear we will never die lol!!


Yes as it says on the Title! we are holding a beauty contest! I planned to do this earlier but stuff came up and I didnt have the chance! SO im doing it now. It will run from today (6-12-21) To 6-30-21.

To enter I would prefer if you did so on the forums! You can go to this thread! Everyone has a forum account so theres no reason why you cant XD


Site updates

I've done a few tweaks here and there and im working on others and working on other things as well-
but today I added a few more outcomes for plantera and a few more pots.


There is also still the issue of incorrect pets- Do let me know if you run across any- more info on that is in this forum thread-

Till next time!
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